Anonymous ID: a2dacc Sept. 30, 2018, 1:10 a.m. No.3262061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2066 >>2125

Let me say that again:

it is a crime under Catholic law

to report the rape of a child.


A) The Catholic church hierarchy, acting under Vatican orders, played the decisive role in making Hitler the dictator of Germany.


B) Subsequently, the Catholic hierarchy was active in Nazi movements outside Germany, for example in the Balkans, where the church was the institutional base of the Nazi puppet State of Croatia.


C) Although at Yad Vashem, in the year 2000, Pope John Paul II described the Nazis as having “a Godless ideology,” in 1933, when it mattered, the Vatican ordered German Catholics to love, honor, obey and protect the Nazis.

But these are mere details and do not touch the reality and depth of the Vatican’s central role in the Holocaust. To understand that role, however, requires understanding some deeply disturbing things first, including the connection between the Vatican, international child trafficking, child rape, and child and adult sacrifice. The previous pope is in hiding in the Vatican now because he is wanted for such crimes against humanity and would be arrested if he left. The current pope is also being charged with crimes.

On August 4 the Brussels Declaration of the ITCCS (International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State) proclaimed the Roman Catholic Church to be a transnational criminal body under international law, and “the Italian parties agreed that the time has arrived for “decisive political action on behalf of all of the victims of the papacy.” (see, August 3)


On Septemberi 1 (2012) the pope released his Apostolic Letter which is meant to put the Church outside the reach of all other courts and ….


Even worse, anyone who reports any of these crimes within the church now faces even stiffer punishment for doing so. The Letter states.


“I establish that the competent Judicial authorities of Vatican City shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over crimes committed against the security, fundamental interests or the patrimony of the Holy See.”


Penal jurisdiction means the power to prosecute and jail. And the same jurisdiction applies as well to any leakage of information from the church, including standing church laws like Crimen Sollicitationas, the reporting of child rape and trafficking.


Let me say that again: it is a crime under Catholic law to report the rape of a child.


I am the State, declared Louis the 14th of France. But Pope Francis has now proclaimed, I am the Law.


Lots Moar here.

Anonymous ID: a2dacc Sept. 30, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.3262281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You Tube won’t let this referenced video link be copied.


You’ll have to go to the link below to open this “very controversial” video.

Anonymous ID: a2dacc Sept. 30, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.3262459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2527


Eisenhower’s barbarism. Here is the truth.

Bacque tells the truth about how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of war AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans.

Don’t argue with me, read the book. General George Patton (who released all his German prisoners) wrote in 1945 that Eisenhower was using “practically Gestapo methods” in torturing and killing German POWs.

In August 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower (who in the early 1960s ordered the assassination of Patrice Lamumba) and Henry C. Morgenthau came up with the Morgenthau Plan to inflict collective punishment upon the German people following the end of the Second World War.

This was, basically, a plan to starve millions of Germans, mostly citizens, to death.

Although the plan was officially cancelled, it was in fact implemented. Between 1945 and 1953 it is estimated between 9 to 15 million ethnic Germans were killed, mainly civilians.