Anonymous ID: 4021fc Sept. 30, 2018, 5:39 a.m. No.3263125   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3132


Thanks bakeranon.

I can assume kitchen duties now if you like, & appreciate the notes.

I've reported above post to BV for monitor.

Or would you like to bake?

No prob is so, otherwise…

Confirming handoff?

-earlyAMbaker (cb)

Anonymous ID: 4021fc Sept. 30, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.3263327   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3341


>Kek, I've had three covfefe since 6 am,

On my second, beginning to feel human

>got real-life shit to do this morning

No prob, I'll take next bread. Thanks again.



>Isn't he Hungarian? Isn't foreigners interfering with our elections frowned upon, or just Russians

Such an obvious point, yet our Cuckpublican "representatives" don't push it. It's like the American ppl have been accused of a crime and our defense attorney's working for the prosecution. Either that, or they care more about losing graciously than fucking fighting back.



If you belive real jews are turning on Trump you are gravely mistaken.

Those of us here that know history understand the historical competition between Western civilization and the Jews, and that we have been done dirty and damaged massively by it. We Euro/Euro Diaspora agree that not all persons of ethnic Jewish heritage are motivated by/guilty of the same crimes of the Mossad and Cabal globalist overlords, and we don't believe in collective punishment, only personal accountability. But public policies are set based on generalities, and as a whole, whether secular or religious, Jews as a group tend to support their group interests ahead of, and at the expense of, the interests of their host peoples. Those interests are primarily open borders, communism, and the dismantling of a people's moral traditions, all of which quickly set a nation on a self-destructive path. Jews are also the owners/founders of all central banks, which are also behind most wars, certainly in the modern era.


We believe POTUS wants what we want: our nations back. That means dual citizenship must be ended in the governments of all nations so all peoples can rule themselves. If individual Jews have committed no crimes and are content to follow the rules of their host nations once natural rule is restored, they'll be fine.

Anonymous ID: 4021fc Sept. 30, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.3263341   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Meant to green-text this first line, sorry bout that.



>If you belive real jews are turning on Trump you are gravely mistaken.

Those of us here that know history understand the historical competition between Western civilization and the Jews, and that we have been done dirty and damaged massively by it…

Anonymous ID: 4021fc Sept. 30, 2018, 6:41 a.m. No.3263545   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3575


Ty BV, hope your morning's good and your coffee's strong.



Always a lift to my spirits to see you SwordBro.

Ty for the prayers, God bless.



>I'm guessing you’re the Baker who also throws his moo joo bullshit into the bread

Nope, that's me my little JIDF fren.

And if you guys keep up with this shit, you're gonna get the merchant on the pizza meme. And Anons will prolly be spurred by your bullshit to post some well-sauced redpills on the JQ which, yes, I will put into notes, bc Q's repeated MOS call-outs make it relevant. Didn't they leave the memo on your desk? The lesson goes like this: you leave us alone, we leave you alone. It's Sunday ffs, ppl wanna 8chan in peace. If you keep disturbing it with slides and disinfo, we'll have no choice but to push back. I recommend backing the fuck off.