Anonymous ID: 6d597d Sept. 30, 2018, 6:01 a.m. No.3263264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298 >>3397 >>3413



One pretty obvious thing that happened to Ford is that she has been completely used by (((them))) in this process.


Has anybody dug on the polygraph test? Ford said that she was "crying" while it was being implemented. An anon said at some point a billion breads ago (which I can no longer find) that if she was crying, they should have stopped the test because that would definitely skew it. Does anybody know how this works?


It is known that the spy Aldrich Ames beat a polygraph test, and mocked it as "junk science" later.



Can somebody talented meme this, to show that "passing" a polygraph means jack shit? I'm looking ahead and imagining the young SJW's defending Ford, muh polygraph…