Anonymous ID: 7df4e8 Sept. 30, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.3263202   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3213 >>3340



Baker, you're acting like a glowing Clown faggot. Posting a clip the MSM has desperately tried to censor is now 'shitting up the bread?' Nigger, you crazy!


This might possibly be one of the only messages to break through many black's conditioning, and you want to suck Brennan’s dick? What the fuck?


I'm guessing you’re the Baker who also throws his moo joo bullshit into the bread. Dude, you're fucking comped. No other explanation. This is either internal subversion OR you're absolutely confused and misguided. This is a Spiritual War to the death. We welcome any swinging dick into the fold. If you want to munch on Maddow, send a fucking resume to MSNBC. You can already show how hard you worked tried promoting the most despicable airing of SNL that's ever been broadcast. Top 'story' on the UK Daily Mail…no media's independent, no 4am talking points here.


Yeah, a real hoot. Kavanaugh drinks keggers and rapes women….Matt Damon's a riot.


What the fuck man! It's more than apparent that Brennan's got you dead to rights on something. It's not too late to surrender and atone, but you must first stop with this shit!

Anonymous ID: 7df4e8 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:01 a.m. No.3263262   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3283



'Dude' … try harder. You work for a 'kike' … his name's Brock. You're on your fucking knees every morning for a paycheck and then spreading your cheeks at night when you clock out.


Yeah, I know. Jews and porn imagery. Doxx me and fly out for a lunch. Let's see how far you get explaining your liddle theories face to face. No need to respond, I already know you're a liddle bitch.


George's spunk in your hair is a nice added touch.

Anonymous ID: 7df4e8 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:08 a.m. No.3263312   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3345



'Dude' … here's how fucking off base you are. First, if I was MOS, you'd be the last fucking person to know it. That fact alone is game over.


Lastly, you were quick to divert from my main post…TWICE! Too bad it didn't work though. I got my yearly Brock flu-shot. I post about Kanye's message, you divert into moo joo.


Are there really that many newbies to warrant Brock's paycheck? Nigger, who do you think you're fooling here? You're a party of one.



Anonymous ID: 7df4e8 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.3263379   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3388 >>3409 >>3448 >>3472 >>3553 >>3559



I am the first to admit that usually I don't know why there's such heavy shilling. I push on through in the Faith that we're onto something, whatever it is.


Today is different. This Kanye clip has them tying their panties in a bunch. It's more than obvious….plus whatever else anons are digging on.


I was Kanye's BIGGEST CRITIC A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO! I couldn't take the narcissism and bad music. It's totally reversed now. He's putting himself out there to help. I believe him. This is either the most advanced theatre or he's really trying to lead his people out of their slumber.


Kanye. Accept my apology. I feel for you man. I know you're hurting because of the loss of Donda, your mother…I realize you're entwined in a difficult spot domestically, but keep up the good fight! They tried to medicate you…they tried to lobotomize you…they involuntarily committed you! But I hear you…other people hear you.


Good for you Kanye (still not a fan of the music), but I'd fight to my death to stand by you in this time of need. Free your people Kanye! Then we bring all people together.



Anonymous ID: 7df4e8 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.3263507   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3534



Cheers anon. Rahm/axelrod/oprah/obama (the fraud), tried to bring Chicago to its knees. Muh gun control, muh more gun legislation…but every fucking weekend 50 dead by gang violence and crickets.


I'm going to put myself out there. I believe Kanye's being true to his message here. There was nothing to be gained by giving a fifteen minute monologue at his Pablo concert, dropping the mic and ending the show. That got him involuntarily committed and it cost millions and millions (of dollars) to a lot of people. That’s not how you help promote sales. But it helped me trust his efforts. He met with President Trump at TT when that wasn’t cool. He’s never backed down. It was no Andy Kaufmann/Tony Clifton routine. He was 'waking up' and he's vocal, to a fault (which is why I couldn't stand him).


Now that same trait is what's needed. His clip needs to be shown over and over. Minorities need to hear from 'one of their own' that they're being used. I know too many who won't entertain my point of view simply because I'm not black. So Kanye can lead.


Jay-Z…I know you got killers…but it's time to ditch the witch, ms. maria 'sprit-cooking' abramovic and get down with your boy!


Kanye for Chicago 2020!

Anonymous ID: 7df4e8 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:50 a.m. No.3263619   🗄️.is đź”—kun





Nigger, you're more transparent than a pair of Victoria Secret lace panties (pic related).


You'll have to try harder…tell Brennan to send in the assassin squad my little friend, but let him know I've got the balcony covered ……..


Say hello to my little friend…