Anonymous ID: dc7467 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.3263458   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3531 >>3634

I am not endorsing the following information, but instead just offering it out there for the hive mind to assimilate.


Remote viewing is a data gathering technique that has been in use by the military since at least the 1970s. No, biblefags, it's not demonic, but it is subject to flaws and can give bogus information.


The remote viewer in question is Edward Riordan. Below is a summary of the second half of the embedded video. That is the part where he addresses "Qanon".


Riordan's remote viewing sessions suggest that anons might benefit from looking at the long-term agenda behind the crumb drops even as they are consumed with the daily drama of swamp draining.



He claims to have had no idea what 4chan or 8chan were when asked to remote view the “Qanon” phenomenon


His initial impressions were of a group of people having a “heated discussion”, largely about what information to release and how to do so.


The debate was in a remote, hidden, heavily guarded facility.


He got the impression that some sort of nanotechnology was central to what they were debating. The arguing scientists were developing a nanotech application of some type.


The scientists were living in some type of weird ultra-modern environment.


The idea was that this type of living environment will eventually become commonplace.


Very advanced technologies and communications systems are involved in the Qanon phenomenon


The scientists “have the intention of creating their own universe”.


One of the technologies they are working on is one where an AI can “solve” people's problems by scanning their mind, identifying things that “aren't computing” for that person, and then sending a “patch” or fix to the relevant neurons.


Their goal is to allow humans to become more creative by being liberated of their mundane problems such as: obtaining food, paying bills, treating illness…


He perceives the AI as a threat to human individuality.


Qanon is part of a very big operation. It's like a signal to a part of the brain that feels we lack control and understanding. By increasing anons' sense of control and understanding, fear is alleviated.


Qanon is an early step in a much larger project to roll out the nanotech-based AI.


He speculates that exposing the swamp critters' perfidity may be setting the stage to propose the AI as a solution to the human frailties that have affected the cabal.


Satellite tech is involved. Lots of it. The sats are broadcasting something related to the AI.


The AI could be proposed as a non-human solution to the problems of governance and human weakness.