Anonymous ID: f2c813 Sept. 30, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.3262876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2938

'''Re-posting from late last bread to give Anons a chance to investigate:


  1. Baker's allegedly gropy son;


  1. why the U.S. Attorney in a Trump DOH refuses to let anyone know the status of the investigation into very credible accusations against Governor Baker's allegedly pervy son.'''


No Kavanaugh Treatment For [Massachusetts Governor] Charlie Baker’s Son [Who Allegedly Groped Woman On Airplane]

Sauce - https://


Here’s a tweet from yesterday that I bet Gov. Charlie Baker would like to have back:


“The accusations brought against Judge Kavanaugh are sickening and deserve an independent investigation. There should be no vote in the Senate.”


I know, he’s a RINO, absolutely shameless. If they ever name a street after Tall Deval, it’ll have to be one-way.


But unlike the other gutless RINO governors throwing Kavanaugh under the bus over uncorroborated groping charges (think the son of a mailman), Tall Deval has a son, A.J. “Gropey” Baker, who is credibly accused of exactly what the judge is not credibly accused of.


According to the State Police, there are multiple witnesses who heard young Baker’s victim begging him to stop groping him.


There are no such witnesses against Kavanaugh, beyond the accusers, such as they are.


After being dragged off the Jet Blue flight from D.C. last summer, Baker gave various explanations to the State Police, according to an incident report the crooked troopers now refuse to release. He said the victim was a friend of his sister, he said he was asleep, he said he only had two glasses of wine….


Kavanaugh absolutely denies doing anything to his three accusers, who combined have a total of zero corroborating witnesses, unlike Baker’s victim, who has multiple witnesses.


Yet Tall Deval wants to stop Kavanaugh from going onto the Supreme Court. No due process for him! No presumption of innocence!


But for his son… the State Police punted the investigation of the governor’s son to the U.S. attorney’s office, and now they’re trying to slow-walk the “probe” past Nov. 6 – election day.


Not only does young Baker get due process, he eventually gets the broom – just you wait and see. The plan is, have the feds say over and over again, we can’t confirm or deny investigations. Keep saying it ‘til the cows come home, and reporters get tired of asking about it.


You know, kind of like the cell phone records of bust-out Lt. Gov. “Crash” Murray.


Tall Deval tweeted out his Profile in Courage at 11:09, when the tide seemed to running in favor of the Democrats’ smear campaign. He always likes to be on the winning side, whether it’s transgender bathrooms or 60 percent pay raises for the hacks on Beacon Hill. (Tall Deval didn’t announce he was vetoing that outrage until those ethical titans Rosenberg and DeLeo had rounded up enough votes to override.)


Yesterday afternoon, he had one of this trademark feel-good photo ops, something about an anti-animal cruelty bill, out at Angell Memorial in JP.


By the time Baker had posed with a housecat, Kavanaugh was hitting it out of the park. Some reporter shouted out a question to the effect of, Governor, what’s the difference was between your son and Judge Kavanaugh, the obvious answer being, there’s actually a lot of evidence against A.J. Baker.


Baker glared, climbed into his SUV and was driven away to wherever RINO’s are hypocrites together.


It was a memorable hearing on Capitol Hill. You had Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a stolen-valor hack who lied about serving in Vietnam, lecturing Kavanaugh on the legal concept of “false in one thing, false in everything.”


You had an admitted groper named Spartacus Booker demanding to know if Kavanaugh had ever groped anybody. You had the senator from Rhode Island asking him the definition of the word “ralph,” as if Sheldon Whitehouse’s own son doesn’t know, after his arrest on OUI charges a few years a few years back.


You had other Democrat senators who’d hidden the ball on the charges against Kavanaugh for two months now accusing the Republicans of impeding an expedited investigation.


In other words, the hypocrisy was so thick you could cut it with a knife. But with a single tweet, Tall Deval outdid them all.


So here’s my question for Tall Deval.


You say the uncorroborated charges against Kavanaugh are “sickening.”


Are the corroborated charges against your son more or less “sickening” than the uncorroborated accusations against the judge?


Do they deserve an “independent investigation?”


One final question: is there any cheap stunt you won’t stoop to to get reelected?