Anonymous ID: 0e0d83 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.3265465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5575 >>5675

This may not be relavant to what anons are discussing / working on at the moment. But I want to put it into the 8ch Qresearch record.


>>3261007 pb

Hearings on the Olmstead Act were finally held decade+ delayed, in NYC, by Cuomo

All the public comments should be on the record somewhere

Soon after hearing - which was not well announced, the NYState Commissioner of the Office of Mental health was let go.

The Olmstead law was passed in '99 and never implemented.

The best reading of it is that the seriously disabled should be allowed to be taken care of in the home rather than institutionalized, if possible.

They use the "closing Institutions" to deny care rather than to improve it, Using ones supposed rights against the ill person.

Check out Richard F. Daines, M.D. (2007-2010)

Suffered an "unexpected" death.

"During his tenure, he implemented the recommendations of the Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century – commonly known as the Berger Commission – and closed and consolidated many hospitals and nursing homes. He established the Department's first office to focus on the development and implementation of electronic health records and other health information technologies. In his first year as Commissioner, he turned down millions of dollars in federal grants for abstinence-only sex education because he did not believe it worked. He also presided over the Department during the 2009 H1N1 swine flu outbreak and its accompanying shortages of vaccine. He angered health workers when he asked them to get flu vaccines to prevent the spread of swine flu.


Dr. Daines was a vocal proponent of a soda tax to reduce sugar consumption and raised money to combat rising childhood obesity rates. Shortly before he left his position, he collaborated with New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley on a request to let the city experiment with a ban on using food stamps to buy soda. He was the first Health Commissioner to use social media for health messages.


Dr. Daines left state service to become a visiting scholar at the New York Academy of Medicine in Manhattan. He died unexpectedly in 2011."


If you get a transcript of the Olmstead hearing you will likely discover that they had programs which the Social Workers / Agencies were getting money for, but the programs didn't exist..

"criminal conspiracy"

Many tragedies and suffering could be avoided if people with serious mental illness could actually get treatment:

An example of

"They use your rights against you"


It's claimed that when a person deep in psychosis denies treatment ["your right to refuse treatment" ] which could help them and/or save their life [basically a sedative] that it is their right to refuse treatment even though they are visibly deranged..

Other times when they institutionalize a person, they dope them us to keep them quiet, just as what happens in nursing homes.


So the person with serious mental illness goes on to suicide, or merry-go-round Institutionalization which causes great expense to the State, or to jail - sometimes to violence against others [paranoid]

While in the hospital if the person has no insurance or even if they do, for financial reasons?, they will not keep the person until they are stable. They will let them go when they are not stable, even if they have nowhere to go and are homeless.

"Their Rights"

Yet, on the other hand, people who are totally sane are referred to mental hospitals [mirroring Soviet style strategies] if they challenge the criminal conspiracy in the Courts [Seen two examples of this] - of course they are often released right away since there is no room for people who are actually seriously psychotic - let alone for someone who is not and who is just sent there by a judge who is being pressured.

In the vid attached:

Outtrim goes into the connection between MKultra and the NWO right at the beginning - very dense but good material. Haven't made my way all the way through yet; but much to chew on.

Anonymous ID: 0e0d83 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.3265575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5605 >>5607 >>5619 >>5651


> merry-go-round Institutionalization which causes great expense to the State,

Should have read "merry-go-round HOSPITALIZATIONS"

Sister-in-law and Ford Blasey have same neck issue?

I don't believe the original "Christy Blasey" [if there is such a person] male.

The "entity" has definite ID problems and not all around gender

Anonymous ID: 0e0d83 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.3265642   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was a bad job, though. For someone who has so much money.

Both of them? Same Scar?

My coincidence meter says 'that's too much"

Too much to believe on top of all the other context - she won't answer certain questions about herself- and when she does the answers lack plausibility? Wiped the Social Media?

Too many coincidences

Anonymous ID: 0e0d83 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3265675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5690


>Many tragedies and suffering could be avoided if people with serious mental illness could actually get treatment:


Should have read

"Many tragedies and suffering could be avoided if people with serious mental illness could actually get TIMELY treatment:"