Anonymous ID: 3414b5 Question for Q Sept. 30, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.3265400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5458 >>5538 >>5824

Is there any way to confirm whether Christine Blasey Ford's accusation and testimony is a C_A operation? I ask because I believe now that there is no way she actually experienced an assault.


My wife is a sexual assault survivor, and I listened to her commentary in real time during Ford's testimony. Obviously because of my wife I am hyper-sensitive about "survivor" issues, but this whole thing doesn't pass the smell test.


My wife's reaction to the testimony was visceral anger and disbelief. As a survivor herself (actual rape) she could not understand the lapses in memory and the feigning of ignorance for a PHD educated woman. (I don't understand the word "exculpatory"…) The missing pieces of information seem far too convenient. No location and no time are key examples. My wife's recollection of her rape includes the time (to the minute) 29 years ago, and of course the location and how it came to be. These items are burned into her memory. Now I know that everybody's different, and we can't make generalizations, but these two pieces of information seem to be the universal remembered items in every survivor's story.


Adding this to the cutesy schoolgirl innocent vibe (really weird for a grown woman) and certain reactions to questions that I find hard to understand, I am more convinced than ever this this is an operation. The fake tears during her statement started the tip-off, but as time went on, the situation became more clear.


For example, with almost every question, her reactions included natural delays for processing the question and formulating an answer. You can watch the testimony again and see this for yourself. But when Durbin asked if she was sure it was Kavanaugh, she leaned-into the mic and said "100%" almost before he was finished asking. It's like she had practiced this one answer and wanted to get it off… like the money shot.


So if she IS lying, that leaves us with therapist notes from 2012, and questions as to motive. Anons have already uncovered her connection to the agency, and her relationship with big pharma (abortion pill.) When you piece together all the data points, having everything teed-up to go WITHOUT key pieces of info from the therapist notes (the assailant was not named in 2012) and was only "recalled" recently to deal with this nomination, it seems that this was laid-up early on to deal with a Romney pick (as supported by certain tweets by her friends) and/or Gorsuch (as supported be certain tweets from her friends.)


As with any investigation, the people who dig look for evidence to support a gut feeling. That's all I have right now, is a gut feeling. But it would be nice to PROVE that this was concocted back in 2012 to kill a repub nom, but hussein won and they kept it under wraps for later. Strategically, they could have rolled-it out against Gorsuch, but that would have been a waste because he was replacing Scalia (pretty much a one-for-one replacement on the conservative side.)


I believe that she has been very patient, waiting all these years until the time was right. And Kavanaugh was the right person. The fact that he is a choir boy sexually in his youth makes it even harder to believe.


I'm hoping you can give us a nod about whether the agency is involved. Or if it's just her acting alone, as a trained agency operative, she definitely has the chops to pull it off.