Anonymous ID: e8d6a2 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.3265653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HIGH-LEVEL INTEL SOURCE TELLS PAINE: The Slow Communist Subversion Of The United States Has Culminated In The Brett Kavanaugh Case.


What most Americans don’t realize, is that organized Communist subversion often takes many years, if not decades, to slowly transform and convert the existing forms of their targeted government.In this case, because of its economic superiority and military powerhouse, the United States of America was always the ultimate prize, or crown jewel of organized Communism’s objectives.The problem of course, was that “pesky” U.S. Constitution, with all of its attendant “Bills of Rights,” “Amendments” guaranteeing such concepts as individual freedom, the presumption of innocence, the right to face one’s accusers, the right to freedom of speech and expression, to bear arms, and other such inherently anti-Communist/anti-Monarchy protections.To be sure, the Founding Fathers had written and drafted the Constitution precisely because they wanted to throw off the yoke of tyrannical England, and its draconian and oppressive King.To that end the Founding Fathers labored intensely to put in writing a document that would guarantee all of the Citizenry the Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – the United States Constitution.But the Communists are very well familiar with the “boiling frog” approach to Communist conversion/subversion, and they have all the patience in the world, because it is a disease that tends to be multi-generational, with one generation of communists imbuing and infecting another younger generation, using highly emotional issues to recruit them into their fold.This is also known as “Salami Tactics,” which is a “divide and conquer” process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition.With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, piece by piece.In this fashion, the opposition is eliminated “slice by slice” until one realizes (too late) that it is gone in its entirety.In some cases it includes the creation of several factions within the opposing political party and then dismantling that party from the inside, without causing the “sliced” sides to protest.Salami tactics are most likely to succeed when the perpetrators keep their true long-term motives hidden and maintain a posture of cooperativeness and helpfulness while engaged in the intended gradual subversion.These “emotional issues” were cleverly elucidated and crystalized to be usually one of the following “special protected classes” – minority (mainly African-American) rights, gay rights, Jewish (Zionist) rights against perceived Anti-Semitism, and finally, female “rights” known in its extreme form as “militant feminism.”To be sure, none of the “controllers” or “handlers” of modern day Communism give a damn about any of these 4 basic special protected classes, or their “rights,” as they as a rule consist mainly of Luciferian, Atheistic, Oligarch types who are at odds with human and civil rights, and instead wish to control, cull, and enslave the masses of the global population, using any and all means necessary.When it comes to the militant feminist movement, what these global Communists have succeeded in doing, over the past few decades, is “moving the goal post” even farther and farther to the left, overtly criminalizing basic male-female sexual behavior to the point of insanity.Thus if one were to watch popular movies, read popular literature, or even speak to older generations of people, what was once considered “normal sexual behavior” by and between men and women has now become overtly criminal in nature.The global Communists have challenged human nature, and wish to assert their dominion over all things, including basic fundamental human nature.These Communists have designated themselves as “God,” as is the essence of true pure Luciferianism. — Repost bc its that good , True Pundit

Anonymous ID: e8d6a2 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.3265950   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Allentown Pa. car bomb audio , Police say review FOOTAGE 26 : 00 mark.

Anonymous ID: e8d6a2 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.3265959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SacKat‏ @sachibub101:30 min mark after watching the video of explosion “about a minute before the explosion occurred the headlights on that vehicle are on… nobody’s around it..don’t know if the victims were inside or what” #Allentown