Anonymous ID: eef884 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.3265793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5886

Judge Kavanaugh would not "DO" to them what hey did to him if any of these dem scums appeared in front of him. He's that caliber of a man,…a real Judge. He would follow the constitutional guidelines. Brett Kavanaugh is a role model for our country. We need to return to the days when our country had real leaders/role models before Hollywood and televised sporting events took over. Everything was turned upside down and our country started idolizing the wrong people.

I, for one, have detached myself from TV, sports and never go to movies anymore unless it's to see a docu-movie from Dinesh or old John Wayne/Clint Eastwood movies). It's amazing how much free time you have when you're not zoning out in front of the TV watching dumb shows that dumb you down, never ending sports (just like soap operas) and letting electrical signals bombard your brain to buy unnecessary crap, not to mention hypnotizing you with propaganda. IE: Hillary's awesome and Trump is evil.

It's fun to get back into hiking, biking, fishing, hunting, golfing, camping out overnight in the mountains, learning new songs on the guitar,

learning a new hobby,…how to refurbish a work bench, writing a letter to a good friend you haven't spoken to in a while (not an email) and reading books again.

Living life to the fullest and getting away from all this garbage coming out of the TV set.

Life is short and precious. We need to wake up and take back our lives from the spell we've been put under (via Hollywood and MSM).

This also means that we get to live free and speak freely where ever we are (using common sense). We never have to cow down around anyone anymore. When you hear a group of people rip on President Trump, engage them (if it's safe to do so), ask a few questions and then let them know they are smoking crack. Proudly tell them why you believe they are wrong and further ask questions. Engage the. If you ask enough good questions it will sink into a few people,..the rest will disperse.

Kavanaugh will be the next Supreme Court Justice. Q said so and so did Madam Cleo.