Anonymous ID: bb452a Sept. 30, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.3266699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6739

On Ford's description of her residual trauma from the alleged incident with Kavenaugh.

I normally try really hard not to gender fag, but this post calls for it. Sorry.

Spouse anon and I are the same age as Kav / Ford. We grew up together and went to school together so I knew all the players in this little tale.

At 14 spouse anon had a crush on a 16 year old boy, Keven. She invited him to her home to listen to Van Halen while her parents her parents were at work. (This was common in our community which sounds similar to Kavenaugh / Ford's community.) She was a perfect, Catholic "good girl" and honestly just wanted to listen to music and flirt innocently with Kevin. While Kevin was in her home, another neighbor Steve, a 13 year old came over. Shortly thereafter Steve tried to rape her. The story is very similar to Ford's, except there was no booze involved. Steve pinned her down, covered her mouth and got most of her clothes off while Kevin watched and did nothing. Eventually she fought Steve off and got both of them out of her house. She never told anyone but me. (We were not dating yet at the time.)

Steve and I were in Boy Scouts together at the time. The Scout Master had an 11 year old daughter at the time. Steve also tried to rape the Scout Master's daughter during one of our patrol meetings in the Scout Master's house. We caught him and stopped him. The Scout Master found out and forbid Steve from ever entering his house. He also hired a baby sitter to be with the daugther after school. (Poor girl had a baby sitter until she turned 16.)

So point is, around the time of the Ford / Kavenaugh alleged incident, and in a similar cultural environment, I knew a predatory boy and two girls that he attacked, and I've lived my entire adult life with one of the girls.

Yesterday I asked Spouse Anon how she would feel if Steve were the one being confirmed as Supreme Court justice. She thought long and hard on it and said that she would be concerned, but that Steve was pretty young at the time, so the rest of his behaviour as an adult would need to be looked at. She also said that if it was just her, she would feel differently than she does knowing that Jane was also attacked by Steve.

Spouse Anon was never slutty or loose. She remained a virgin until shortly before we married. She has never shown any signs of the kind of lasting trauma Ford claims to have experienced. Steve, Keven, Spouse Anon, Jane and I are all in our High School yearbooks. If Steve were being confirmed for Justice, Jane, Scout Master, babysitter, several of the boys in my Scout troop, and myself could testify with pretty clear memory about the events. We know what houses the attacks took place in, about when they took place, time of day, who was present, who else knew about it. This stuff IS memorable. We all talked about it. When I found out what Steve had done to the girl who became my spouse anon, I had a rather memorble "discussion" with Steve about the incident. After Steve attacked Scout Master's daughter, a number of the Boy Scouts also "counseled" Steve in a most memorable (for him) way.

If my spouse anon were in front of Congress testifying about Steve, she wouldn't be claiming a bunch of personal trauma or need for double front doors. She could produce a parade of people who knew about the attacks at about the time they took place. And, most of all, her real concern would be raise the issue so that the rest of Steve's life could be looked at to determine whether the incidents were just youthful stupidity since outgrown, or precursors to a predatory life.

Spouse Anon and I are dubious about Ford, the incident, and Ford's motives. I'm also dubious that boys of that era would not have "discussed" the matter with Kavenaugh at the time if he'd shown a pattern of rape. The culture at the time was to kick the asses of boys like that.