Radicals hate. It's what they do. Enjoy your hate. Let it consume you. Find something wrong with everyone, and hate, hate, and hate some more. Seriously, you need more hate. Out of an abundance of the heart, overflows the mouth. Really we're all here trying to find someone who can hate so much, that we want to listen to them and hate along with them. You know, because being in a world full of hate is an aspirational goal and the sheep need a bitter messiah of vitriol. You're almost there. Maybe you can hate me for making you think about your hate. That would help you raise your hate level now, wouldn't it? Doesn't everyone just want to hate everyone else? What a wonderful world…to be in hell with the haters. Good luck with your plan..
It's ad copy for a United Airlines Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner business class seat…