Anonymous ID: 4941ae Sept. 30, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.3267122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7132 >>7148 >>7169 >>7211 >>7274



1) After confirmation (which will go through) mass riots will occur. They will be violent, much more than previous occurrences.


2) Reports will begin coming in from multiple areas from citizens (not news) of blackhawk related military rappelling and full geared out units onto various different buildings in various different areas. Media will be silent outside of reporting protesters are being "attacked", "rounded up" and that they were "peaceful".


3) Reports will begin to flood in of mass arrests in multiple cities of reporters and individuals connected to news outlets.


4) Numerous politicians will begin to be arrested, from both parties, as well as various other power players from multiple different businesses. These arrests will be carried out by unmarked military personnel.


5) Soon after the media, all of them (ie: MSM), will present a massive and continuous flow of files relating to previously sealed indictments showing subversion, espionage, collusion, murder, assault and various other charges spanning the entire country and relating to massive amounts of individuals, groups and companies.


6) POTUS will make a speech delivering material to the public directly.


7) Public will be incensed by the connection of several foreign countries in particular. POTUS will ask for calm during process.


8) Midterm election completely changes due to loss of massive amounts of candidates either running for election or reelection.


9) Academia altered drastically due to arrests of subversion and foreign infiltration of university and lower educational system.


10) Particular foreign countries involved will do everything in their power not to deny but to make amends.


11) Anons directly associated with the operation to bring justice and help ensure issues resolved will be sent letters of thanks containing a large amount of money for their work as if being paid for working by a business.