Anonymous ID: 7960e0 Sept. 30, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.3267264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7336

>>3266445 Anon rebuts ( >>3260305 #4129) re: ACXIOM/HRC move to China bc 'AIM'-sauced


not neccesarily notable as you cannot sauce this info as it is word of mouth. BUT several years ago before Q came on the scene and I was still an occult fag trying to be the worlds next coolest wizard I had a couple of long conversations with Lon Milo Duquette. He is kind of a rockstar in occult circles for being the go to Crowley expert. Trying to read crowleys books without Lon's more modern guidebooks is just asking to do it the hard way. He actually speaks quite fluent enochian and can be heard reciting it on podcasts. ANYWAYS….enough background. Seeing this in the bread made me remember something odd from our conversations. He kept mentioning that he had been flying back and forth from CHINA to give lectures on occultism to very large crowds of chinese people who he said had recently taken on a huge interest and were paying him to fly out and do seminars on everything from Tarot to crowley OTO magic etc…


At the time I wasn't really aware of what we know now. I just find it an interesting connection. GOOG has a lockdown on chinese internet, hildawg is doing more and more business over there. The place was always weird but since Q woke a lot of us up, it's turning into some kind of last bastion for the cabal to hide out safely. Famous for persecuting christians over there too, a group that Lon genuinely despises as I remember from our conversations.


I distinctly remember him having a Lady Gaga type moment when I mentioned the word God (can't give context might doc myself)…it was like he paused and almost had to throw up. Awkward point in the conversation for sure. He did not like that word.


ANYWAYS. Interesting info. Kind of wish I could go back and never have these conversations with him. Had his number in my phone and everything. guess what the last 4 digits of his number were?? 7666


btw lon if you're reading this, shalom motherfucker. I belong to God now and I will never ever stop exposing you people. Sheep no more.