Anonymous ID: 848cb6 Sept. 30, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.3267246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7268

Missed a couple of breads - wtf this was all about? I like Wictor although hes not an oracle, just another source for commentary on stuff i read about. That said, i remember him being mostly btfoed here cause projew crazy mex and he hates anime and doesnt follow q or sth.


And now i read anons were fighting for gettin his drugged ass outta twatter jail? Because of his 100% protrump stance? Or exactly to have pic related?

Pls dont slide i just wanna know whos that roth and why he tries to collude TW with Q? Or is Thomas a limited hangout/sleeper cell waiting to be used in provess of diffusing patriots' social media activity?