Anonymous ID: a4f781 Sept. 30, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.3267025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3262328 Previous Bread. I am responding to:


>> 5G networks coming, with DJT making it easier


Q, you may not like this, but the answer is NO. And you had better get the presidents attention about this. If you ARE NSA then I don't have to tell you that under Agenda 21, (((they))) started going around to our cattle farms putting in the farm water meter infrastructure, so that they could charge farmers for their own groundwater years back. The solution was to get your gun and shoot out the meters. I highly suggest good patriotic Americans will do the same to these 5G towers... AS THEY SHOULD. Maybe Trump has not been educated. He is normally pro-business, and we understand this. However, 5G hands the controllers the capacity to do great genetic damage to the population within it's range, with a slight twist of a knob and change in frequency. Current wifi can pop popcorn between six live cellphones ringing on a table.

Treat the shit like a nuke, and keep it away from population centers.

YOU, the military, the NWO, the government, no matter HOW "good guy" you are, simply can not have this technology if we decide you will not. You can see how easily government infrastructure, even the military can fall into the wrong hands.

DO NOT push us to the point where we have to destroy the towers please. I really do not care if you know who I am. I would be willing to risk my life to stop this, as would others be willing. And, if you actually think such a thing would be safe for some reason, you had better start talking to our people. Don't force us to get out the guns and start shooting up the infrastructure. Please.