Anonymous ID: aff6ca Sept. 30, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.3266925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6936


You are very welcome, Anon!

I’m glad someone else sees the usefulness in

It has been a magnificent tool in the belt for my research over the past year.

I find historical results a best searched using the “article title” or “meta-description” filter in the advanced search options. Otherwise it pulls a lot of stories that aren’t necessarily related to your search term but have your search term linked on the page in “other stories” sections on side bars.

Anonymous ID: aff6ca Sept. 30, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.3267156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7254


I bet we could start some #MeToo outrage over this. But seriously, this whole scenario isn’t funny. SNL continues to abandon its viewership in exchange to propaganda production.


I am a survivor and my father (on a totally separate incendent) was falsely accused, had his name dragged through the mud by the media and when the truth came to light - of course the story was dead to them.

The media literally tore my family apart and left it in shatters. Things have been improving recently, but I don’t think the scars from the damage done will ever fully go away. My heart goes out to the Kavenaugh family and as a daughter of a public ally and falsely accused father, my heart breaks for Kav’s daughters. I’m thinking about writing them. I cannot express how much even hearing allegations like this against your father, no matter how false you know they are, affects your relationship with him. I have been disgusted with our public officials for a long time, but never as much as I am now.