Anonymous ID: 4f731c Sept. 30, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.3268400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8432 >>8485 >>8955 >>9081 >>9135

Vandals Deface Illinois County’s GOP Headquarters with ‘Rape’ Graffiti


A group of vandals defaced an Illinois county’s GOP headquarters early Sunday morning with the words “rape” and “shame” painted in graffiti.


The vandalism on the front doors of the Winnebago County GOP’s headquarters in Rockford, Illinois, was on full display Sunday morning, leading local Illinois Republicans and Democrats to swiftly condemn the violence, WREX reported.“We can have our differences. We can have good spirited debate. I hope whoever is responsible for this will be brought to justice. You are a coward for doing it unless you come forward!” Illinois Rep. John Cabello, a Republican, posted on his Facebook page.


Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara, a Democrat, also denounced the violence.


“This type of behavior is unacceptable and certainly does not live up to our community’s values. We all have differences but we must learn to disagree on policy without attacking people.”


Some Republican leaders, like Illinois state Sen. Dave Syverson, believe that the violence may have been motivated by Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.


“These are the unintended consequences, when you take politics to a level that she did,” Syverson told WREX. “Unfortunately this probably wont’ be the last.”


Police are investigating to find out who carried out the vandalism.


This is the latest act in a long-line of incidents related to violence against Trump supporters. Over the past three years, Breitbart News has recorded at least 567 acts of violence—including vandalism—carried out against Trump supporters.

Anonymous ID: 4f731c Sept. 30, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.3268473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8515 >>8706 >>8784

Comey Accuses Kavanaugh of Lying to Senate in NY Times Op-Ed, Implies Guilt of Sex Assault Charges


Fired FBI Director James Comey accused Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee over the meaning of words in Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook. Comey made the accusation in an op-ed published by the New York Times Sunday defending the ability of the FBI to investigate uncorroborated sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh from decades old school parties. Comey implied Kavanaugh was guilty of the alleged assaults.


The theme of Comey’s op-ed is that the FBI is capable of doing the extra background investigation into Kavanaugh ordered by President Trump. The title is , “James Comey: The FBI Can Do This – Despite limitations and partisan attacks, the bureau can find out a lot about the Kavanaugh accusations in a week.”


James Comey.


“Yes, the alleged incident occurred 36 years ago. But F.B.I. agents know time has very little to do with memory. They know every married person remembers the weather on their wedding day, no matter how long ago. Significance drives memory. They also know that little lies point to bigger lies. They know that obvious lies by the nominee about the meaning of words in a yearbook are a flashing signal to dig deeper.”


Kavanaugh is being accused of lying to the committee about his yearbook and his drinking because of differences in opinions on the meaning of slang terms and how much he could drink without blacking out (which he denies.)


Comey’s op-ed is laced with venom for the man who fired him from the FBI, President Donald Trump, and with venom for millions of Americans.


We live in a world where the president routinely attacks the F.B.I. because he fears its work. He calls for his enemies to be prosecuted and his friends freed. We also live in a world where a sitting federal judge channels the president by shouting attacks at the Senate committee considering his nomination and demanding to know if a respected senator has ever passed out from drinking. We live in a world where the president is an accused serial abuser of women, who was caught on tape bragging about his ability to assault women and now likens the accusations against his nominee to the many “false” accusations against him.


Most disturbingly, we live in a world where millions of Republicans and their representatives think nearly everything in the previous paragraph is O.K.


Comey is self-pitying in the op-ed, opening with a ‘woe is me’ tale from the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation.


The F.B.I. is back in the middle of it. When we were handed the Hillary Clinton email investigation in 2015, the bureau’s deputy director said to me, “You know you are totally screwed, right?” He meant that, in a viciously polarized political environment, one side was sure to be furious with the outcome. Sure enough, I saw a tweet declaring me “a political hack,” although the author added, tongue in cheek: “I just can’t figure out which side.”


And those were the good old days. President Trump’s decision to order a one-week investigation into sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, his Supreme Court nominee, comes in a time of almost indescribable pain and anger, lies and attacks.

Anonymous ID: 4f731c Sept. 30, 2018, 2:10 p.m. No.3268654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8697

How Israel Built Nuclear Weapons


Ben-Gurion had major reservations about involving Israel in the scheme. These were overcome when France agreed to provide Israel with a small research reactor similar to the EL-3 reactor France had built at Saclay. Of course, the Suez invasion quickly went awry with both the United States and Soviet Union threatening Israel, France and Britain in different ways to get them to withdraw. France was unable to protect Israel from the superpowers’ threats. Before agreeing to withdraw, however, Israel demanded that Paris sweeten the nuclear cooperation. France agreed to provide Israel with a much larger plutonium-producing reactor at Dimona, natural uranium to fuel the reactor, and a reprocessing plant—basically everything Israel would need to use the plant to produce plutonium for a bomb except for heavy water.


Although Israel doesn’t officially acknowledge it, it is well understood that the country possesses a nuclear weapon arsenal ( although the exact number of warheads are in dispute ). It is similarly well understood that the United States opposed Israel’s nuclear weapons program during the John F. Kennedy and, to a lesser extent, Lyndon B. Johnson administrations. One part of the history that is less well known is that much of the funding for Israel’s nuclear weapons program came from private Americans in an effort that was spearheaded by, Abraham Feinberg, a prominent American who served as an unofficial advisor to both President Kennedy and President Johnson.


Israel’s interest in nuclear weapons basically dates back to the founding of the Jewish state in 1948. The country’s founding leader, David Ben-Gurion, was haunted both by the Holocaust and the unremitting hostility Israel faced from its much larger Arab neighbors. Ben-Gurion viewed nuclear weapons as a last resort option for ensuring the survival of the Jewish state in case its enemies ever used their much larger populations and economies to build conventionally superior militaries.The problem Ben-Gurion and his closest advisors faced was that their young, poor, and relatively unsophisticated country didn’t possess the necessary technological and material resources to support an indigenous nuclear weapons program. Israel’s best hope of acquiring nuclear weapons came from finding a foreign patron. Fortunately for Israel, contemporary circumstances created conditions for it to obtain this support.


Specifically, during the mid-1950s France’s control over Algeria—which it considered part of France and not just another colony—was increasingly contested by a domestic insurgency that was receiving substantial support from the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. Paris responded by eliciting Israel’s help in providing intelligence on the Algerian situation in return for French conventional weaponry. The opportunity to transform this into nuclear cooperation presented itself in 1956 when Paris asked Israel to provide France and Britain with a pretext to intervene militarily in what became the Suez Canal crisis.


Ben-Gurion had major reservations about involving Israel in the scheme. These were overcome when France agreed to provide Israel with a small research reactor similar to the EL-3 reactor France had built at Saclay. Of course, the Suez invasion quickly went awry with both the United States and Soviet Union threatening Israel, France and Britain in different ways to get them to withdraw. France was unable to protect Israel from the superpowers’ threats. Before agreeing to withdraw, however, Israel demanded that Paris sweeten the nuclear cooperation. France agreed to provide Israel with a much larger plutonium-producing reactor at Dimona, natural uranium to fuel the reactor, and a reprocessing plant—basically everything Israel would need to use the plant to produce plutonium for a bomb except for heavy water.


This was a major coup—no country before or since has provided another state with such an extensive amount of the technology required to build a nuclear bomb. Still, it was only half the battle. Ben-Gurion still had to come up with the funds necessary to pay for the nuclear deal for France. How much the Dimona nuclear facilities cost to build is not known, but Israel likely paid France at least $80 million to $100 million in 1960 dollars. That was a massive amount of money for Israel at the time. Furthermore, Ben-Gurion worried that if he diverted defense funds for the nuclear project he invite opposition from the military, which was struggling to field a conventional army that could defeat Israel’s Arab enemies.

Anonymous ID: 4f731c Sept. 30, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3268772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8966

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