Anonymous ID: 798cf8 Sept. 30, 2018, 2:40 p.m. No.3269049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9061

Was just about to post something related to red cross and haiti when I saw this in the notable. strange timing. I'll throw this into the mix. most info obtained from this video:


Just to unpack it here for easy reading. Involves convicted murderer and snuff film maker Col Russell Williams. A decorated pilot who before being revealed as a homicidal monster who collected panties of 9 year old girls was known for flying Queen Elizabeth 2, Duke of Edinburough, protected flights for Barack Obama and others for the G20 Summit. Has ties to hurricane Katrina and HAITI:


Sep 3 2005: After hurricane katrina flies red cross relief workers to the gulf coast


Jan 10 2010 After Haiti earthquake again he flies in relief workers and supplies THEN


in FEBRUARY 2010 is charged with murder and forced confinement of two women which he had filmed


see attached pics. look at that gaze.