Anonymous ID: f2636d Sept. 30, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.3268388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395 >>8462 >>8476



the rejection of all religious and moral principles,

often in the belief that life is meaningless.

OUR ends justify any means


extreme skepticism maintaining

that nothing in the world

has a real existence.

only the narrative is real


denied the existence

of genuine moral truths or values

do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law


rejected the possibility of knowledge

or communication

you are sheep. Obey or die


asserted the ultimate meaninglessness

or purposelessness of life

or of the universe

we are cogs in a machine


Politically, Nihilism gave rise to Communism, National Socialism, Fascism, Cultural Marxism, Democratic Socialism and Technocracy. In the 1970's Technocracy, the design of the machine, became the blueprint for a New International Economic Order


Our fight is against Nihilism in all its forms.


Many people have only a vague idea what Nihilism is and know nothing about the ideas which it grew out of. You have to start by understanding the basics of Social Darwinism and Scientific Monism. Then it will become clear how Nihilism has distilled these down to a pure philosophical ideal, and then the various political movements took Nihilism as their ideal and tried to design practical ways to implement it in the real world. Their political movements are only concerned with efficiency, with one best way, no dissent, and manufacturing of the narrative and of public opinion. It hardly matters whether they are left or right when they are beating you over the head and saying, obey us because we are right and you are wrong, we are big and you are small and there ain't NOTHING you can do about it.

Anonymous ID: f2636d Sept. 30, 2018, 1:57 p.m. No.3268487   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It takes dry phrases from a DEFINITION of Nihilism

And relates them to the real world battles we are fighting

Because I believe that one SIGN displayed by all enemies

Is that they are promoting a form of Nihilism.


However, because Satanist elites are at the center of it all

And satanists love to be deceptive

They have hidden their Nihilism into a variety of political philosophies

Which are false dichotomies.

If you hate Nihilist Communism

They want you to support Fascism

Thinking that you will not notice that it is ALSO Nihilism.


Nihilism is the extinction of choice

Because you accept CONTROL of the elite.

A true dichotomy is between CONTROL

And Liberty.


Give me LIBERTY or give me DEATH!

Because those are both FREEDOM

I reject the CONTROL

And choose the FREEDOM.


Now do you understand?

Anonymous ID: f2636d Sept. 30, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.3268517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8524



That picture represents the non-Nihilist side of National Socialism.

But it is not any better.


Drop #936


NWO [N does not refer to “New”].


The Noetic World Order

Is one in which Hollywood gives us all the same messages

And hypnotizes us to believe in the same future.

Then the Noetic power of the 100th Monkey Syndrome

Makes it so.

Those who control Hollywood,

Control the world,

And use the sheep as a tool

To create the world in the form that the elite desire.


If the cabal had succeeded in creating the NWO

It would have been too late.

The revolution that the military and Trump are leading,

Really is our last chance to freedom.

We have free will.

Our consciousness matters.


We have the power, not just in political terms.

Everything that humans have created in this world begins in a dream,

In the mind of a person who desires it to be so.

But it is better to talk it over with your neighbors

Than to let a bunch of insane psychopathic perverts make the decisions

Anonymous ID: f2636d Sept. 30, 2018, 2 p.m. No.3268524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8651



Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 Mar 2018 - 3:37:22 PM


N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.

Think subgroup.



As much as I would like Q to have meant


Noetic World Order


I don't think he did. However I do believe that Noetic World Order is a fair description of what the true satanists among them, intended.

It's just that most Nazis were not satanists or occultists.

They were politically driven people


I now believe that Q was referring to TECHNOCRACY

Check out Technocracy Inc. which was a North American group started in the 1930s promoting SCIENTIFIC MONISM.

In Europe, the National Socialists were the main proponents of Scientific Monism based on a one-world, one-truth principle.

In particular, there is a branch of that political philosophy called NIHILISM, so Q meant:


Nihilist Word Order


Both I and othe Anons suggested that way back when Q first dropped about a subgroup of Nazis. But none of us effectively explained why. Guesses don't count.


The NWO was to be a Nihilist World Order where the Nihilists occupy the top tiers of the pyramid and impose a rigid and INHUMANE pyramidal hierarchy on society.


Interestingly, in 2016, probably in preparation for Hillary's Presidency, Technocracy Inc. did a study in how to replace the money system with a new financial system based on energy. That would have been a financial reset.


The Trilateral Commission was founded by people who were influenced by Technocracy, like Zbigniew Brzezinski.


Nihilist Word Order