Anonymous ID: f39b76 Sept. 30, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.3268746   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oorah, Anon!


My spouse's father fought in WWII, & spouseAnon served in Air Force, & my oldest is an active Marine. I'd do anything to serve, & the endurance of these times is a test of courage while I also feel so humbled & grateful to be living in a time to see these events unfold. For the generations who led us this to this point & are not witness to this… my heart goes out to them. Living as servants to the ideals of freedom while there were so many lies.. enrages me.


We take back our country together. So grateful we have a leader who acts to back his words "Now arises the hour of action."


You led a cadence, & I echo it back to you in the presence of our fellow Anons. Drills are coming to a close, and the true action is about to begin. Whatever small part I played, I'm humbled & fired up to have served it alongside you all.


Praying nonstop.