Anonymous ID: 850826 Sept. 30, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.3269690   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9734 >>9750 >>9903

How NBC killed exposé of Wm Browder


I am an investigative reporter, winner of the Gerald Loeb Award, the most important prize in financial journalism.


These funds will support the publication of an investigative article that documents how NBC-TV killed a story by its own investigative reporter, Ken Dilanian, that shows how William Browder, a convicted tax evader and fraudster, deceived US media, Congress and government into believing an invented story aimed at building hostilities with Russia. The purpose was to prevent Russia from collecting the $70 million he cheated by evaded taxes and fraudulent stock buys.


He told them, and all of us, that his lawyer Sergei Magnitsky was arrested and killed in Russia after finding out about a fraud by Russian officials. In fact, he was a tax accountant arrested for collusion in Browder’s tax evasion and died from illness that went untreated. He never even mentioned the Russian officials till nearly a year after the arrest, and that on instructions from Browder's lawyers. This story led to the Trump Tower meeting and has ensnared President Trump and his son Donald Jr., making them also victims of the Browder scam.


The funds will be used to support publication of this exposé on and to provide it to print, online sites and social media. The public will benefit by learning the truth.


I need the funds this month. Money from all of you will make it possible to me to make this story widely known in spite of mainstream media attempts to ignore or suppress it. I will also appreciate your vote of confidence in getting the truth out, a truth that will have political consequences in showing up the fake origins of the current “Russiagate.”