Anonymous ID: b3272a Sept. 30, 2018, 4:08 p.m. No.3270259   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0282



Name Emerges Of Feinstein Staffer Thought To Have Leaked Kavanaugh Allegations, Insider Says September 24, 2018


A staff member for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is thought to have been responsible for leaking Christie Blasey Ford's allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a Washington insider.


In a tweet, The Federalist's Sean Davis wrote that "according to multiple sources familiar with Judiciary's Kavanaugh investigation, Feinstein staffer Heather Sawyer leaked Ford’s letter to the media in violation of Senate Rule 29(5)."


Last week, a spokesperson for Feinstein denied that the leaks came from the senator's office, according to a report from CNN.


"Only after the details of her experience were leaked did Dr. Ford make the reluctant decision to come forward publicly," lawyers for Ford said in a letter last week to the Senate Judiciary Committee.


Davis continued by noting that the Senate rule that he referenced in his initial tweet "was passed following a special counsel investigation of Senate leaks of confidential information about Anita Hill" and "calls for expulsion of any Senators or staff who violate the ban on leaks of confidential committee information."


"If the Senate is serious about protecting its investigative process—and especially those who provide highly personal confidential information to its committees—it must immediately investigate how Ford’s confidential document addressed to Dianne Feinstein was leaked to media," Davis wrote.