Anonymous ID: 3682eb Sept. 30, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.3271378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1420 >>1514



This is a ridiculous statement

The person who was at that house gathering was 15yo.

My experience is that kids who wear glasses, just go everywhere wearing glasses, because…

They wear glasses. It is who they are.

There is a photo of CM Blasey from the side

With glasses pushed up on her forehead.

That is a sign of someone who does not even want to take off her glasses, even when she takes off her glasses. They are a part of her.

In fact she considers herself a nerd, a science nerd. Back in the 70s 80s kids who began to wear glasses were called FOUR-EYES. It was considered to be a sign of nerdiness.

But guess what?

Some kids LIKED that because nerds like math and science

And if they like math and science, then FOUR-EYES is a good thing.

CM Blasey is a biostatistician who teaches stats to grad students in psych and who is co-author of a statistics book.

This is a nerd here.

As to the woman at the Senate, I'm not yet convinced it was CM Blasey

But given the CIA family, the incestuous breeding practices of the Cabal it is no stretch to say that they found a lookalike that they could trust to play the role for the Senate.