Anonymous ID: 595a1a Sept. 30, 2018, 5:07 p.m. No.3271099   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My guess this week to come:


Monday-FBI report drops in the AM(revealing the Judge is clear and allegations are false/Democrats leaked the letter to the press/The letter was fake and Ford is a spook)(FBI will release a trail of info that DEMS can't defend)


Tuesday-Senate votes and Justice KAV is passed on for confirmation. Dems pissed and try to start war in anyway since they are exposed. FOOD/WATER/BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. Their foreign backers are exposed as well/Chinese and Mossod players here. China denies interfering in our politics, but we have the proof. Trade war will be the least of their worries. Israel for last..


Wednesday- 10/3 Final confirmation vote. Welcome aboard Justice KAV! Attempts on the US in the works/riots planned/EMS triggered. Will the 10 days of darkness begin? Internet censorship blackout? electricity too? We will be safe!


Thursday-Sessions activated/RR resigns(forced) SPYGATE OPENS!

Resist, resist, resist was treason/subversion/collusion with foreign powers. We have it all!


Friday-FISA declas. D5. Everything hits the net, including pictures/audio/video. Attempts to blackout the net will fail/just censorship on tech giants remain.RR>Muller>LL>HRC>BO. PAIN!

