Anonymous ID: 5c2c92 Sept. 30, 2018, 4:52 p.m. No.3270904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1152


The CIA has often been known to fund projects through the NIH with "special access programs" (SAP).

The NIH seems to offer a great avenue to misappropriate funds.

Cancer and other medical illness research is a great avenue to send Millions of dollars to an organization.

What person doesn't want to help cure cancer? Nothing is questioned in this process as we all trust that it is going to a great cause.


This photo looked identical to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Many times people are way off so I asked a few friends who agreed quickly and didn't seem to disagree.

I am sure many of you will have your opinions. Consider anything is possible with a makeup artist etc…

Her profile picture has no Bio info while all others have a detailed history and past.

She has nothing! received a 20% increase in funding from the NIH, written in an article on January 27, 2017.

The day Obama lost control and Trump stepped in.