Re JFK Jr. and Vincent Fusca.
I said to myself, "Anon, if you went into hiding after faking your death in preparation to avenge your father, what name would you choose for yourself?"
and I realized that no way would I choose "Vincent Fusca"……….. unless that name had a meaning.
I mean, if I had that plan it'd be because I was JFK Jr. An erudite man of means and family. A writer who loved the USA who had previously selected the name "George" for my magazine because of George Washington. So I'd be the type of guy that got a lot of out names. I would think they should have meaning.
I might know Latin.
And so I said to myself, "Anon, Vincent Fusca is a weird name. Sounds invented. Sounds like it might be an anagram of something."
I took the name to an anagram generator and got 10,000 results of crap.. but ONE stuck out.
Anons, I promise this is the ONLY selection that I took and ran through a Latin to English translator. It gave me the goosebumps.
pic obviously related.