Anonymous ID: 13b8f4 Sept. 30, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.3272780   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah I saw her wandering the hallways before the hearing (on cspan).


Her attire was interesting. She wanted to look attractive (attention whore) but not too attractive. She stood out because she looked skanky especially around all the pages, staff, lawyers, and interns who have to dress professionally.


I heard she was a "guest" of Feinstein - but I dont know id that is true.


What IS true is her husband is a major casting agent in Hollywood. (Ref: CAA) So I can only speculate what her "true" motivations are for attending the hearings.


She has no real acting career anymore. She really has become just a shitty human being. She is going to fuck her kids over the same way her parents fucked her over.


Hollywood and washington DC should be burned to the ground.