Anonymous ID: 8f976d Sept. 30, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.3272728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2877

From last bread's cartoon of Judge Kavanaugh's daughter praying next to her bed:


The Editor/Publisher is Fletcher Farrar:


Write to Fletcher at:


Just saw the pics of this old piece of shit's grandchildren on his Facebook page.

He inherited that POS weekly free "newspaper" from his father.

He's got grandchildren, and he did that!

He looks old as shit, and won't have the sense to yank his Facebook for days. Photos are open.

Fuck this guy. He deserves the ass-reaming he's going to get tonight and tomorrow.


You know what this entire thing has accomplished?

My total loss of deference to people just because they're old.

Ask anybody who works with old people. There are loads of assholes who are only alive just because God doesn't want 'em, either.

NoName made me lose deference toward the deceased.