Anonymous ID: bd4552 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.3272560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2632 >>2663 >>2775 >>3000

For the past 2-3 years, we've heard nothing but RUSSIA-RUSSIA-RUSSIA!!! They interfered and altered the 2016 election results. They had the audacity to meddle in our sacred and pure "election process," the hallmark of American democracy…. Russia is evil. Putin is evil. The traitors and bad actors within Washington DC, Hollywood, MSM, Mega-Corp. Co., and their minions have worked 24/7 to whip us all up in a frenzy to [HATE] Russia, Putin and everything related. They accused POTUS of not only being soft on Russia, but colluding and conspiring with them to defeat Hillary and overthrow the US….And of course, to benefit Trump Corp., in the end.


They have demanded that POTUS: 1. Apply progressive sanction after sanction upon Russia. 2. Seize and freeze assets, 3. Use diplomatic means to isolate them and make them the pariah of the world, 4. Close their embassies, 5. Accuse POTUS of TREASON just for meeting with PUTIN in a diplomatic summit before the entire world, 6. Damage their currency, 7. Put many Russians out of work, etc. etc. etc.


What happens when it is fully revealed that UK, AUS & CAN (U1), were doing 100X the sins and evil that Russia was accused of doing (but this time with overwhelming proof & testimony)? What they have done is not just try to subvert an election by buying social media ads, but full blown: 1. Election interference, 2. Overthrow of duly elected government/Exec. Branch, 3. Framing and Removal of duly elected president, & 4. Plan to kill/eliminate/dispose of duly elected president.


They will be revealed to have perpetuated ACTS OF WAR. How does this compare with what RUSSIA-RUSSIA-RUSSIA was accused of? How does this compare with what Russia was actually proved of doing? Actual proof. Pales in comparison, right?


So what are we going to do about it? 1. Declare war on UK/AUS/CAN? 2. Do to them what they did to us? 3. Removed their governments? 4. Do to London what Titus did to Jerusalem in 70 AD? 5. Abandon our "so-called allies," and make new treaties with China & Russia? 6. Declare those countries terrorist states? 7. Deport all of their citizens in the US? 8. Do to those residing in the US what we did to the Japanese in WWII (Interment Camps)? Etc. Etc. Etc.


Where is the justice? What we do has to be in proportion of what we did to Russia for the past 2-3 years. That's all I'm asking for. I don't want to hear any talk of: 1. Water under the bridge, 2. Let bygones be bygones. 3. Let's move on.


My ancestors came from England, Scotland and Scandinavia. I have ZERO Russian blood in me. But my soul cries out for JUSTICE.


The accounts/ledgers have to be balanced. Justice! I don't want to see JUSTICE for Russia and MERCY for UK/AUS/CAN. I want JUSTICE for all. Freedom & Justice for ALL….WWG1WGA