Anonymous ID: cf9a0d Sept. 30, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.3272318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2333 >>2344 >>2376 >>2496 >>2548 >>2621 >>2724 >>2904 >>2956



Baker- Notable submission for consideration


Comey whines about Kavanaugh probe deadline


– Comey - who is "supposed" to be a republican has to put his 2 cents worth in. For party? For justice? For Country? Or for his fellow deep state cronies?


Former FBI Director James Comey criticized the time frame of the bureau's ongoing review into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's background Sunday, writing in a New York Times op-ed that "it is idiotic to put a shot clock on the FBI."

Comey, who was fired by President Trump in May 2017, conceded that an investigation that must be wrapped up by Friday was better than no investigation at all. But he also wrote that "the process is deeply flawed, and apparently designed to thwart the fact-gathering process."

"If truth were the only goal, there would be no clock, and the investigation wouldn’t have been sought after the Senate Judiciary Committee already endorsed the nominee," Comey wrote. "Instead, it seems that the Republican goal is to be able to say there was an investigation and it didn't change their view, while the Democrats hope for incriminating evidence to derail the nominee."


Source: <


Honestly - fuck this guy.