Anonymous ID: eb9db9 Sept. 30, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.3272559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609

Very Poweful Open Letter Post to Christine Ford by a real sexual abuse survivor !


What the Democrats have done to those of us who have honestly survived rape & abuse is a mockery to the whole #MeToo movement & has forever tarnished women!


I'm absolutely DISGUSTED by DiFi & every single Dem & CF who pulled this DISGUSTING SHAM….every rape victim who's voice is NOT HEARD rests upon each of your souls….you have proven to the wold just how evil you really are!


I pray to GOD Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed & I pray to God that these evil Dems meet their JUSTICE within the WRATH of the LORD.


THEY will face JUSTICE, for God will it.