Anonymous ID: 27fe72 Sept. 30, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3273217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256 >>3466 >>3661 >>3730

Keeping on with Guatemala:


DECISION BRIEF: UN Anti-Corruption Programs Are So Biased That US Must Shut Them Down


The “anti-corruption” cesspool of political bias is most glaring in our own hemisphere. The UN has given a pass to the corrupt and murderous Ortega family dictatorship in Nicaragua and its sister FMLN Marxist government in El Salvador. Instead, the UN focuses on Guatemala, a politically and culturally conservative country where the far Left, after a 30-year campaign of violent extremism, has no hope of coming to power democratically.


For most of the past decade, a special UN-sponsored agency has attacked Guatemala and aid the former Communist violent extremists. That agency, the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), worked with the former insurgents and their grassroots community organizations to infiltrate and tear down the constitutional and democratic order. Under a slogan to end “impunity and corruption,” CICIG ran its own investigations and criminal prosecutions of Guatemalans who had opposed the Communists in the past.


CICIG’s UN-appointed leader, Ivan Velasquez, is a Colombian lawyer and political activist tied to the FARC, ELN, and M19 narcoterrorists. As a judge in Colombia, Velasquez went after self-defense forces that combated the Cuban-backed guerrillas, and reputedly intervened on behalf of jailed narcoterrorists, while being part of their political front groups. Former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe said that as a judge, Velasquez was a member of pro-guerrilla “political group” and “never an impartial judge.”


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