Anonymous ID: df73b9 Sept. 30, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.3273713   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well…That is rather the last nail in the coffin of confirmation I have been waiting for all these years. But not Alum and Bar…but nano tech.

In 2008, February, @ 10:30 am…Outside on a patio. I watched [and to this day, I do not know how I could see it and no one else around me could] particle like shit, like uber fine silver glitter [reflecting sunlight] would swirl around in the air. It wasn't dust, chemtrail particulates, or anything we could define, because as I watched [over 30 min] I noticed that this 'shit' had intelligence. Didn't swirl about as caught in the wind, but swam around and avoided contact with all the other little micro particles in un-natural directional angels, even come to a full stop, that told me this was not a 'natural' substance. I guess for lack of better, like watching a trillion micro luminescent UFO's skitter in all directions in front of your face [you have seen how they move]. I have seen it twice. It took years, but I found others that had recorded the same on vid. It shows up in infrared, and when it falls and settles on the ground, if you have a pool, the pool surface will react as if a hard rain is hitting to disturb the surface.

If this is true…ya…it would put the world at a dead run for the nearest hospital.
