Anonymous ID: 3ae193 Sept. 30, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.3274559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I would just to comment that no it is not "ok" to sexually assault anyone. Ever. But "most females" and not talking about males in this post- that is another post. Most females get some form for "sexual assault" in their lifetime in many ways. Verbal, physical, and psychological. Waitresses for example, whether they work at Hooter's, Folks, Longhorn, any 5-star dining establishment Will be propositioned at some point in that job if they stay in it long enough. Does that mean they will go to authorities 5 months, 5 years, or 25 years later to report? No. Does it affect them ? Maybe?


I have had many friends grabbed in areas that are off limits but did they always feel like they were going to die? No. Many friends told disgusting pornographic things that males and female admirers wanted to do to or with them. Did it make them hate men? No.


There are many women in the business work place that get sounds, faces, rubs (accidentally of course), and verbal "over the line comments" but do they run out and say they hate men? No.


Some women - not all realize it may be inappropriate but it is not assault. Some feel violated some feel like although not the right thing to do but feel that they are getting a compliment - its not always one sided.


Some when who have been raped outright - have the right to hate all men and that is warranted. Or who have been repeatedly assaulted in areas of the workplace and cannot speak up for fear of losing employment - warranted.


Some dudes just like cat calling and some females have thick skin and realize it is harmless.


Not all apples are bad apples. It mostly takes a few to tarnish the lot on both sides. There are female trap artists as well who call out after invitation of said unwanted advances.


If she felt so threatened, didn't she fight back. Fight or flight syndrome kicks in when you think you are going to bed killed. Especially if you only had 1 drink. Did she think the person laughing in the room was ok with killing? She's a smart teen. Country Club dynamic - connected. With connected peers. Dumb as F.


Unless she was developmentally delayed this is bogus period. I have been party to grabbing, inappropriate touching, inappropriate verbal comments, ooogalling, cat calling, etc, I never reported anyone I pushed them off, told them off, and kept it moving.

She remembers wearing a one piece and all the events in that moment but cannot remember place?



Not credible Not a female role model. No way -gives all women bad juju. Makes males scared to approach a woman. No relationship is cookie cutter. Men and women like different approaches.


Takes any chance of proper persistence in getting someone to like to off the table.


I've met real assholes who didn't know how to address women in the best way but were not accused of sexual assault because perhaps at a bar they made a one time advancement on the lady that could have been too forward but then she actually ended up liking him later after he was defeated with a turn down.


Women need grow up and men need to teach their girls and boys how to be responsible when it comes to this debate.

This is stupid and a waste of time for all of us.


From a normal non-ptsd female with a great job working along side many males and females. Keep it real don't cry wolf ladies. And men make sure who you like are not crazies.