Anonymous ID: 5e488d Sept. 30, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.3274268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another big mistake that California has made

is giving the control of CALPERS over to a Chinese national


All these retirement funds are inter-dependent.

They all invest in similar corporations.

They are full of excess monies that belong to the people

and dependent upon an "acting manager" to decide what to do with those funds

The funds are so big they can crash the market.

On the good side – collectively THE PEOPLE own the stocks


often they can't be sold??

well, it's been a while since I watched this video about the CAFR

but it is major "must see" information


The CAFR is the "comprehesive annual financial report"

and every corporation must create one

this includes retirement funds etc


Here are many videos about this maze of financial gibberish:


This is a video copy of the main "Corporation Nation" video

Collectively we own all the corporations

Does anyone know who is the "manager" ?? hmmm

Anonymous ID: 5e488d Sept. 30, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.3274462   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I about passed this meme by – as pretty gross, yuk


however I've been wanting to mention something


When Bill C. was being impeached a small booklet was left at a doorstep of a friend of mine. It was a "hit piece" I thought on the Clintons, and "political."


But, I looked through it, just to see if there was any proof of the claims.

One of the claims was that Hillary was part of a movement to legalize EVERYTHING – including beastiality –


I've been wondering lately if NO BORDERS

might also mean NO MORALS

such as age of consent etc


got me shaking my head, what the hell are they up to

and now I want to find one of those little books

to see how correct they got it