Anonymous ID: f6713a Sept. 30, 2018, 8:23 p.m. No.3273898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3967


This idiot is doing a disservice to JA.

He was clearly not being literal. In fact JA extrapolated further his metaphor.

JA said, in reference to small circuits powered by GSM waves used by the IC:

"The Internet of Things is like intelligent evil dust scattered everywhere, like confetti, in everything"

JA then goes on to state that this basically makes security impossible.

In this world where the paint on your wall can contain a circuit listening in on you, you cannot effectively remove yourself from security threats, whether your powerful or skilled.

His solution is to try to convince the most powerful people capable of enacting global change that this direction in technology will harm them as well.

Ensure that they realize that it's a threat to them.

A threat to their control.

Ultimately the gist is this:

Everything you say or do, and maybe even feel, is harvestable data.

That data is collected. All of it.

For all of us. Everyone.

The miniaturized technology JA referenced, which is powered by GSM waves, enables this.

"Intelligent evil dust"

The data is mediated by AI arbiters.

Who controls the arbiters?

The powerful.

JA is trying to stave off the threat of the few owning everyone's information.

Everything that makes you and I unique from one another will be the plaything of the powerful.

What is the alternative?

Q is power to the people. The counter force to hierarchical control over ALL of our data.

Where we go one we go all.

We will live in a world where everything that makes us sovereign is just data.

It will be the destruction of individuality, and the sovereign self.

This is the fundamental underpinning of the past 10,000 years of history.

Being able to think for yourself, speak for yourself, and communicate with others to come to a consensus.

That is…was…mankinds superpower.

And they will have control.

Or will they?

Anonymous ID: f6713a Sept. 30, 2018, 9:03 p.m. No.3274403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4433 >>4501

I would like to try my best to formulate the future that was planned. Bare with me.

They never thought she would lose.

We (anons) are but fools who rushed in where angels feared to tread.

"The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man."

We (anons) rushed onto the stage of the Great Game and interrupted a planned future that looked like this:

Circuits have become miniaturized beyond our wildest dream.

GSM waves power the smallest of computers. Wireless power.

ALL of our data is harvested.

OPSEC/NETSEC is impossible even for the most powerful and the most skilled.

All of our data is stored.

Impossible for mortal men to utilize.

Too much data.

Enter the AI Arbiters.

Those who control the AI

Those who control the manufacturing of these circuits

Those who control the data

Control everyone.

They were going to take every intimate piece of data about you.


Everything you do

Everything you say

Everything you think

Everything you feel.

Technology has advanced to a point where the above is possible.

And the people were none the wiser.

Circuits in paint.

Circuits in vaccines.

Circuits in water.

Circuits in the air.

Circuits in us.

"99% would go to the hospital."

Philosophy Lesson:

Western civilization is founded upon this one most important thing:

The logos.

Root of logic.

The essence of the individual. Sovereignty of last resort.


They control ALL DATA.

They control the ability to apply stimuli.


What is the choice? What can we do? We fight back.

Not only did they have control of these circuits, ai, and data, but so did good men.

These good men fought back in the name of humanity. In the name of the light.

We are hurtling towards an inevitable singularity with data.

The destruction of the sovereign self.



Time for a new foundational myth.

The old: Adam and Eve describes the formation of the family unit. The ascension of mankind from nature. The realization that the snake to fear is the snake in man, not the snake in nature.

It's time for a new ascension. Ascension of mankind from ourselves. The realization that the snake to fear is the snake in institutions. Industrial horror. Organized crime. Organized evil. Not the snake in a single man.

We must all shoulder our individual responsibility to never let the horrors of the past, and the evil found in the future unrealized, happen again.

Truly Biblical.