Anonymous ID: 34cc6d Sept. 30, 2018, 9:51 p.m. No.3274985   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5187 >>5266

Trump's new strategy 'is working,' Afghan leader says


Despite seventeen years of war with no apparent victory in sight for the U.S-led effort, the chief executive of Afghanistan, Abdullah Abdullah, insists that the Trump administration's renewed approach to the stalemate conflict “is working.”

“Imagine a situation without that commitment. Things would be very different. It is working,” he told Fox News in an exclusive interview during last week’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. “They announced a strategy and mobilized other countries and partners in NATO. They doubled the size of our Afghan Commandos, they’ve supported our Air Force – which is important in the way of Medevacs transporting the injured. These things are going to take time, but it is working.”

Most significantly, Abdullah said, is the Trump team’s “conditions-based” procedure rather than the Obama administration’s “time-based” plan, which entailed a 2014 drawdown and has been widely condemned to have enabled the Taliban to simply regroup and wait.

“These sorts of policies will yield results; you will see fruition. It won’t be in a matter of days or months, but as long as it’s the right track it will bring results,” he continued, noting that while it is too hard to give an estimated time frame of how long U.S. troops will be needed on the ground, it “won’t be a 50-year engagement.”

Anonymous ID: 34cc6d Sept. 30, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.3275112   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5124

Saudi shelves $200 billion SoftBank Solar project


Saudi Arabia has shelved a $200 billion plan with SoftBank Group Corp (9984.T) to build the world’s biggest solar-power-generation project, the Wall Street journal reported on Sunday, citing Saudi government officials.

No one is actively working on the project, and instead, the Saudi kingdom is working up a broader, more practical strategy to boost renewable energy, to be announced in late October, the WSJ reported.

SoftBank Chief Executive Masayoshi Son had announced in March a plan to invest in creating the world’s biggest solar power project in Saudi Arabia, a project expected to have the capacity to produce up to 200 gigawatts (GW) by 2030.


Softbank declined to comment.


Wonder what happened?

Anonymous ID: 34cc6d Sept. 30, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.3275201   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Indonesia to accept international help after devastating quake and tsunami


President Joko Widodo agreed to accept international help on Sunday night, Thomas Lembong said. Lembong said he would coordinate private sector help from around the world.

Authorities scrambled to get food, aid and equipment into Sulawesi on Monday as the death toll appeared certain to rise, three days after the 7.5 magnitude quake and tsunami hit the island.

Countries such as Thailand and Australia have already offered to help.


Dear God, please protect these people (especially the children) from those who wish to do them harm.