Anonymous ID: 8d4c98 Sept. 30, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.3274805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4849 >>4855 >>5047

Comet ping pong round 2


Hanny's Phoenix. Stumbled into this disgusting display of art downtown Phoenix. I knew from across the room what I would find the closer I got to it. Podesta was my first thought. Rothschild was my second because of the antlers. Closer inspection there are butterflies, baby heads, the symbol close to comet pizza. I immediately tried to find the artist on the web and discovered that there was more creepy art in the basement down the stairs next to the antler woman thing. A bunch of creepy fucken girl dolls sort of set up like a last super. I'm guessing each one represents a real girl that was defiled by the person responsible for that exhibit. I now wish I took more pictures around the rest of the basement because I now think it's like the basement of comet pizza. Sort of hidden in plain sight.


Everyone else there was completely clueless and asleep when it came to this.


I've never seen this evil shit in person before. I saw first hand what we are fighting against. These people must pay but not by us. This needs to stay open so when the masses are awakened, they will make the connection on their own. The more people that see this the better. I haven't found the artists name yet but I will. I know it will lead to a rabbit hole of connections to other people in power. Symbolism will be their downfall and it cannot come soon enough