what if it happened during mass at a church?
roughly, depending on the sign
26000 years for 12 signs
kryon channelings (believe them or not - i don't care) say that there is a 36 year "transition" between ages and that 2012 was the midpoint of that period
you're aware they didn't just follow a star out of dumb luck right?
we'll be fully in the age of aquarius (technological advancement/genius, revolutiion/freedom/change, individuality/eccentricity, independence of thought - which is why the ability of media to manipulate, a piscean age trait, is fading)
we're very much heading that direction in the last dozen years of this transition
nice fear based control structure you've got there, designed to keep you close minded
you literally said anybody that learns astrology will be "judged" and burned to ashes
lol bullshit, god doesn't punish the pursuit of knowledge
>christianity - 2000~ years old
>egyptian pyramids in the shape of the orion constellation - 11000~ years