Anonymous ID: cf9cd1 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:49 p.m. No.3275479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5482 >>5518 >>5529

The Truth isn't hiding, it's hidden from view,

In dark mental prisons, it wants to break through!

The Truth isn't out there, it's in you all along,

No magic fruit teaches Right from the Wrong.

The father of lies said, "Eat this, be Wise!"

But wisdom is freedom without compromise.

Alone we are wicked, and wild, without Love,

We fight for ourselves, we push and we shove,

We live out our lives with lies to survive,

Out-lying the liars makes fools feel wise.

The Truth isn't hiding, they hid it from you,

Said, "Kill or be killed, do what you have to do!"

They made you fight wars, drenched nations in blood,

But if you ask why then you're next in the mud.

Don't question, don't ask, don't open your eyes,

Why do we hate? Why must one of us die?

Awaken dear friends! Now the Truth must be told!

Reveal and reclaim the true past they once stole.

Anonymous ID: cf9cd1 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:53 p.m. No.3275518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5525



Where we go one, we go all,

When we go all, we won't fall,

Won't fall for lies, mainstream tricks,

Filthy rotten politics!

We want the Truth, say it loud!

Count the Q's out in this crowd.

Now you know we know now too,

Know now we know it's all true,

So be afraid, no, not of blades,

Black/White Justice, no more shades!

We fight with words, memes and thought,

You really think we forgot?

We remember, we remind,

We are legion, we rewind,

Back to the time Freedom won,

We won't sleep till this is done!

We need not violence anymore,

Blue and Red, open the door!

Law and order shall return!

Everyone will finally learn:

That all the chaos, strife, hate,

False flags you perpetuate,

Won't work this time, hear our call:


Anonymous ID: cf9cd1 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:55 p.m. No.3275525   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A week to remember….


The last week of status quo,

The last week of Babylon woe,

No more! No! But never forget!

Their evil, vast! Without sunset.

No more! Never! Remember still,

How forever, till now, no freewill.

We moved and we acted by their designs,

Silent, at home; or with protest signs.

Do or don't, you play to their whims,

Always play both sides and you'll always win.

This week is the last week the world's the same

The last that our leaders can hide their shame.

Anonymous ID: cf9cd1 Sept. 30, 2018, 10:59 p.m. No.3275556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5565 >>5610 >>5620 >>5626 >>5703 >>5720 >>5841 >>5964 >>6069

1760s - Rothschild starts banking business

1776 - US becomes a nation

1789 - French Revolution

1791 - First Central Bank of America, allowed foreign ownership. 20% control of money supply. 20 year charter.

1811 - Charter expires, not renewed.

1812 - War of 1812. Inflation high as government had to print money to finance war.

1803 - Napoleonic Wars. Rothschild main financiers for British war efforts.

1815 - Battle of Waterloo. Rothschild buys out the London stock exchange becoming richer than God.

1816 - Second Central Bank of America. Claimed it was going to stop runaway inflation still hot from the war.

1829 - Andrew Jackson elected. Executive Orders for federal land payments to be made in gold/silver. Important!

1837 - Jackson refused to renew 2nd Bank charter. Free banking era.

1861 - Civil War. The shot heard around the world. Gold standard suspended, fiat greenbacks issued.

1862 - National Bank Act. Several central banks to help finance the war (seeing the pattern yet?)

1871 - Act of 1871. District of Columbia carved. Not sure if this is relevant to anything.

1879 - Gold standard restored.

1912 - Titanic sinks. Who died?

1913 - Federal Reserve. Owners are secret. Income tax forced on US citizens with creation of IRS.

1914 - WW1. Who benefits?

1920 - League of Nations. Reshaping Europe.

1921 - Council on Foreign Relations formed.

1929 - Great Depression. Market manipulated? Accident?

1933 - Hitler becomes Chancellor. Who Financed? Bush? Who else?

1939 - WW2. Hitler was NEVER supposed to win. What really happened with Russia? Why didn't the States jump in until Pearl Harbor? Hitler was being set up as the poster boy of what happens when you defy the Rothschilds.

1944 - Bretton Wood's. US dollar becomes the world's currency.

1945 - United Nations. RESHAPING Europe and Asia.

1954 - Bilderberg formed. Builder berg?

1963 - JFK assassination

1971 - US off gold standard. National debt only 400b, 34% of GDP.

1973 - Trilateral group founded by David Rockefeller

1987 - Carlyle group founded. Name is meaningless, designed to simply sound prestigious and boring.

1990 - 9/11 Bush Senior delivers NWO speech. No coincidences!!

1995 - Commodity Futures Modernization Ac. Clinton legalized credit default swaps.

2001 - 9/11. Endless war, new departments. National Debt 5T, only 54% of GDP.

2008 - Credit Default Swaps crash the entire world economy. 700b TARP bails out banks. Quantitative easing (FED printing TRILLIONS). National Debt 10T.

2011 - National Debt 100% of GDP. Only other time was at the end of WW2.

2016 - She wasn't supposed to lose! National Debt doubled under Obama to 20T.

2018 - National Debt 108%, 21T


It's the Rothschilds. It's always been.

Anonymous ID: cf9cd1 Sept. 30, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.3275572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5693 >>5856 >>6020 >>6083 >>6116

These people are sick.


Wanna know what was worse and bigger and sicker than your worst fears about pedogate?


And everyone agrees happened?


The wars of the 20th century were absolutely appalling.


Somehow some sick assholes convinced us stupid sheep that those stupid sheep over there aren't even human.


Grind them down with machine guns.


Blast them to bits with artillery.


Poison them with clouds of gas.


Conquer and destroy. Pillage and rape. Yes, free for all rape orgy. You silly sheep just spent weeks massacring this poor woman's family, she's nothing remember? Not even human. The hell you just been through, she owes you some pleasure, some relief. Fuck her, and you might as well kill her after. How old is she? Who cares all bets are off in this carnage.


The wolves laugh at us. They're running the whole God damned show. You might be kicking for the world cup, but these people own FIFA.


I don't get what these sickos get out of it. Money? They invent the stuff. Land? Both sides are already indebted to them. Power? They've literally been in control for hundreds, probably thousands of years.


Why can't they just let us live and love? Why must we be given reasons to divide? Why do they insist on absolutely controlling our bodies and our minds? Man is free yet everywhere he is on chains.


Peace is just a phase of war. WW2 never happened because WW1 never really ended. You think communism was defeated because the soviet union fell? No. They are just setting up the next theatre for the next big show.


When Q says these people are sick, they are as sick as can be. Knowing the full horror of the great wars, how could any one actually vye for a third?


There's only one explanation. These people are truly evil.


This is who we are up against.



Anonymous ID: cf9cd1 Sept. 30, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.3275692   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mockingbird 101


How to report on something without reporting on it at all but still be able to claim you reported it.


How ironic that they quote his back row quip but then fail to mention literally anything e ll we he carefully said!! Note that this was the speech that Q singled out.


I want to make sure that I'm very precise because I know there will be a lot of people – especially in the back row there – who will pay attention to whatever the heck I say, and I want to make sure that they get the words that I say right," Flynn told an audience of conservative activists in St. Louis on Friday night.


"The back row" was an apparent reference to news media at the event organized by the Gateway Pundit website and Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, a group named for the late conservative stalwart. Flynn was honored with the Gen. Jack Singlaub Award for Service to America.


Flynn's remarks on Friday were notable for what they left out. He did not mention President Trump, who fired him as national security adviser three weeks into the presidency. He said nothing about special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, in which Flynn became ensnared for misleading FBI agents about his contacts with Russia's ambassador during the presidential transition in late 2016.


He also made no reference to the news Friday that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort made a plea deal with Mueller and agreed to be a cooperating witness.