Anonymous ID: 6d9fb1 Oct. 1, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.3276394   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6408 >>6421 >>6488 >>6525 >>6588

FaceFag here.

This is long but worth reading. This is not a joke and I am confident I am correct. I have always had the ability to remember a face when I see it for the second time.

For months now I have been doing digs using Facebook and subconsciously my brain will say, "you've seen this person".

I would estimate that thousands of millions of fake and fraudulent accounts exist on Facebook.

I have paid attention to some particular things in small detail to show you show how serious I am.

They use these fake virtual accounts and implant faces on bodies of existing photos. [thousands of bodies that are the same but the faces will be different]

I notice accounts have common friends and a tight community of people in the same circle on Facebook.

A VIRTUAL social network is created and it appears that it is actual reality within Facebook.

Often these accounts indicate the member is in the military. i.e. army, navy, airforce (never have I seen the marines)

The fraudulent accounts will consistently use a Middle Name for the females.

"Caryn Sara Lewis" or "Karen Lauren Brown"

I believe by using the middle name they can indicate what particular network/circle of friends this is.

Accounts will also consistently have a sports team that they will show almost like indicating what "gang" you associate with.

I realize I am describing what social media is and cannot verify it is fake.

However, you must look at Facebook as a company.

I constantly think of Q's post about transferring a face onto someone else's within a Video.

I am here to say the "deep state"/facebook/ possible CIA has face morphing down perfectly on Photos.

It would take days and months to compile all of the different changes that is done to these photos.

It is near impossible to compile these photos and prove this and is happening. But just thinkโ€ฆ

What would be a concern for Facebooks financial future?

The current generation is all over Snapchat and think that "Facebook" is for old people.

Without new users your growth plateaus and your advertising companies will make the same amount each year.

How do you make your investors confident for the future if the audience is the same every year?

Manipulate your product? Create your own Users? Create the perfect growth chart?

Because this is a publicly traded company does anyone know if there is over site with what a New User is?

What does Facebook do to prove that new accounts are real people with real lives in this reality?

Facebooks growth chart starts extremely slow in the first 4-5 years of its existence.

All users are on computers and can only access it while at home.

The iPhone is invented in 2007 and everyone in the world is connected on Facebook.

The user growth chart since the smartphone stays perfect each year and is always increasing exponentially.

How can this be? Because we aren't alone on Facebook. Their are aliens. Fake. Fraudulent entities that can interact with us.

We are now living within a virtual world where we can be manipulated and controlled.

We just discovered that in "2016" "Russians" meddled in our election by using fake accounts.

Who really attempted to manipulate our thoughts and ideas?

Fake fraudulent worlds are impacting our society and it is not stressed enough the damage it is doing.

The damage that it is having on our communication with each other and love for life.

It is an important time to understand life is in front of you and not on your phone.

Take your children to the park and play with them.

I just left the park where many parents were typing away and refreshing their Facebook while their kids played alone.

We are literally "pluging ourselves in" every time we look down at our phones and interact with Virtual things that don't matter.

Society itself is no longer sufficient and the virtual life is more enjoyable. Google employees are creating "AI churches" because they enjoy it so much!

Appreciate your life today and spend quality time with your family.

It is the most precious and genuine thing we will ever have.

God Bless

Anonymous ID: 6d9fb1 Oct. 1, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.3276551   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Glad to hear I am not alone as I sit here" plugged into" my computer.

At least we are aware of it and can control it.

Most of society is clueless and has no idea what is going on in the world.

They see the SNL skit on Facebook and that must be real life if Matt Damon is pissed of about the Supreme Court that they don't even know does.

Probably don't even know what the Supreme Court is or does



Anonymous ID: 6d9fb1 Oct. 1, 2018, 2 a.m. No.3276687   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I can confirm I believe I found her while facefagging. These identities are typically always associated with Universities and schools alsol. They are always doing research and are professors at Harvard, Yale, Stanfordโ€ฆ.Can any normal member of society confirm these places hold classes? do they know our dumb asses will never get in and select the best and brightest foreigners to mold and excel their break off society.