>>3276041 lb
If you read the O.T., God explains, painstakingly, how he gave His word to men to write it down. He goes through it in great detail, if you recall.
God can communicate with man through the Holy Spirit (God's essence). He communicated with men in the O.T. while the Spirit was placed upon them for the time that He needed to communicate with them. It was temporary only.
Now, in the Administration of Grace, after you are born again of Holy Spirit, God can communicate with you through the Spirit. He can give you word of Wisdom and word of Knowledge. He can stop you from getting killed for example, like he stopped me from getting t-boned by a speeding car that passed a red light just as I was starting to cross the intersection and He told me to STOP! That saved my life!
In the N.T. God explains that ALL Scripture is God Breathed - Theopnuestos....
Theo - God
pnuestos - Breathed
God's word is PROFITABLE for:
Doctrine - instruction in right living
Reproof - letting us know when we are off the Word; reproving us,
Correction - tells us how to correct our wrong understanding/application of His Word,
And all these are for:
Instruction in righteousness - instruction in right living.
BTW - What a coincidence that all the Epistles are actually ordered in the same manner, i.e. Doctrine, Reproof, Correction - and the pattern repeats itself.
For example, Romans is Doctrinal, Corinthians is Reproof, Galations is Correction, then Ephesians is Doctrine, and so on.