Anonymous ID: b6eba4 Oct. 1, 2018, 12:32 a.m. No.3276249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6271 >>6289

>>3276121 (previous bread concerning red red, red cross, blood, and the modern vampires)


If you think about it, they do not have to distort the bible much. All of the equations and codes in the original bible are based on the arrangement of the Hebrew and Greek letters which represent the numbers. Move just one number, and the equation does not work, the code is lost. Any time you translate, you instantly exchange the original letters for letters that do not represent numbers at all. There goes the whole of the numerical bible that could do a mathematical proof of anything.

God is a scientist.

He uses his numbers.

We should not be lazy and depend on a text that is easy to read for the stories alone. As Q would say... we have more than we know. But, you have to look at what GOD wrote to find it... in the original. I am glad you found God in the country. How cool is that. I am a biofag who needed to get to the original in order to KNOW and not have to believe.

Anonymous ID: b6eba4 Oct. 1, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.3276389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6499


Can tell by your comment that you have never studied the text in English much less the original. Any anon here who dares to study the original Hebrew Greek where all the letters represent numbers like the Roman numeral system, will end up just like Q.

Q does not "believe".

Q knows.

There is a difference.

And lest you misunderstand my insinuation here, I am dropping just a millionth of the proofs provided by God of his own existence in those 66 ancient scrolls.

Think the Q proofs are wild?

Anons really ought to start realizing that the last thing (((They))) want is what will happen when ordinary people who can do algebra get a load of the letters in those ancient scrolls, that commonly do things like this: Vid related

Anonymous ID: b6eba4 Oct. 1, 2018, 1:43 a.m. No.3276618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>Even if you are correct, God gives us free will to find our own destiny.


Very true.


It is also true that if a super natural (outside of nature) intelligence actually created all that we observe, that intelligence would have zero problem proving his own existence to man, without the help of man.

The question of whether God exists is not a matter of belief. It is a matter of science, or fact. He either does exist, or he does not, as a matter of reality.

Religion is not God. Religion is nothing more than man's collective reaction to the reality of God, … a cultural response.

God seem to understand this, as his proofs are more along the scientific mathematical line in the original text.

The question anon raises, concerning free will, and the right to refuse to look at the evidence, is a choice called "belief".

You are absolutely correct in that God gives us the right o "believe" as we will. This is his point in this whole exercise of creation, as even he states it.