Anonymous ID: 574747 Oct. 1, 2018, 2:56 a.m. No.3276931   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7312


BV, when I took over, I mentioned I have an appointment for about an hour, in about 2 hours (see previous bread where this handoff was arranged). Unless something strange happens, I'll then be back to bake for a few hours, at least.


Just a fair warning about an imminent temporarily absent baker.

Anonymous ID: 574747 Oct. 1, 2018, 3:19 a.m. No.3277030   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


You just pare the previous bread notables when you think there are too many. I usually leave several lines (like 15 breads or more). You pare the notables to the previous when you run out of room (when you post, it tells you the post is too long).


You change globals if you think something is important enough to stay, BO or BV tells you to, or CM makes an announcement. I usually clear any globals with BO. I think I've done two globals over the last 3000 breads (although I didn't do but a tiny fraction of those breads).

Anonymous ID: 574747 Oct. 1, 2018, 3:22 a.m. No.3277038   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

#4146 (Bun in #4151)

>>3273067 Tech giants 'need to stop tolerating child porn online', says chief of National Crime Agency

>>3273074 Ralph G. Blasey Jr. โ€” Christineโ€™s father โ€” Oversees Security for Brennan, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Rice et al.

>>3273083, >>3273150, >>3273238 Resignations today

>>3273088 Fox News Cowards Spread Fake News that Christine Blasey Ford Is "Credible"

>>3273098, >>3273639 The 27 states

>>3273217 UN Anti-Corruption Programs Are So Biased That US Must end them

>>3273298 Redacted Transcript [attached as PDF] is 23 pages of Justice K's interview on the "gang rape" allegations

>>3273347 CA Judge Blocks Sanctuary Law Giving Trump and ICE Major Power to Sweep Illegals

>>3273360 BREAKING: NK and SK start removing mines from the DMZ

>>3273437 Canada & US reach a deal to update NAFTA late Sunday

>>3273492 Spreadsheet is updated

Anonymous ID: 574747 Oct. 1, 2018, 4:42 a.m. No.3277331   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7337 >>7378 >>7380 >>7500

#4151 (Baker Change)

>>3277047 Clockfag suggests 01 Oct could be very important day

>>3277046 MKULTRA and use of child abuse as a method of mind control and programming of serial killers

>>3277135 Ties in to the Wonderland Club (circa 2001)

>>3277151 POTUS removes "closer" from twatter post

>>3277185 POTUS on Twatter signalling a countdown?

>>3277201, >>3277203 CNN Analyst's ex-wife is CBF's friend and supposed witness

>>3277285, >>3277272 POTUS Twatter posts analyzed. Countdown? S = Sessions?


Mid Bread Notables

Baker note: Added bun for previous bake. Corrected buns near bottom of notables (see bun link in previous, but notables still in main list).


Baker will be AFK (Away from Kitchen) for up to an hour, starting shortly. I will announce and put updated pastebin up before my temporary departure. This was the deal when I took the bake two hours ago, or so. Previous baker asked for relief for four breads without a taker (I was not here; saw it later), so it was me or no baker at all.


Just a forewarning of my pending short absence and planning for kitchen coverage until my quick return.


>>3277325 Yes, I consolidated a lot of other anons' speculations and captures with some editing. I will get the ( you ), but it was the other anons who deserve the credit.

Anonymous ID: 574747 Oct. 1, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.3277380   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7418 >>7430

>>3277312 Please seen notes at the bottom of >>3277331

I will need a standby (or relief) when I have to leave the kitchen for a while. I'll submit your reply above for checking. and try to remember to link to you when I post the updated dough.


>>3277316 312 above beat you to the punch


Also, duplicate (sorta) countdown link >>3277185 removed from the dough as it was replaced by >>3277285


>>3277337 This baker doesn't really understand the clocks, but Q specifically mentioned them, so I try to include clockfag updates (which I already admitted I don't understand)


If any other anon wants to collect suitable clockfag update links in this bread, I'll put a consolidated clockfag update in the notables.


Updated Dough Link


I will edit that when I leave to be the latest dough, so any probable bakers should get that link now, but re-download when I hand off at my departure.


Current notables:

#4151 (Baker Change)

>>3277047 Clockfag suggests 01 Oct could be very important day

>>3277046 MKULTRA and use of child abuse as a method of mind control and programming of serial killers

>>3277135 Ties in to the Wonderland Club (circa 2001)

>>3277151 POTUS removes "closer" from twatter post

>>3277201, >>3277203 CNN Analyst's ex-wife is CBF's friend and supposed witness

>>3277285, >>3277272 POTUS Twatter posts analyzed. Countdown? S = Sessions?

Anonymous ID: 574747 Oct. 1, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.3277478   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7513


Handoff confirmed?

My time has come. Above link (same as before) is updated paste. New notables, per the paste:

#4151 (Baker Change)

>>3277047 Clockfag suggests 01 Oct could be very important day

>>3277046 MKULTRA and use of child abuse as a method of mind control and programming of serial killers

>>3277135 Ties in to the Wonderland Club (circa 2001)

>>3277151 POTUS removes "closer" from twatter post

>>3277201, >>3277203 CNN Analyst's ex-wife is CBF's friend and supposed witness

>>3277285, >>3277272 POTUS Twatter posts analyzed. Countdown? S = Sessions?

>>3277419 GE CEO removed from position

>>3277388, >>3277422 CBF questioner fully exonerates Kav in her written report

>>3276962, >>3277002, >>3277003 CBF girly voice imitator video (embed, attached, and download link)

>>3277428 @Jack's chosen ones make "Kill Kavanaugh" top Twat search and hashtag suggestion


I will be back. If I return before the bake, I'll announce and give you the option of passing back. If after the bake, you need to solicit handoff.
