Anonymous ID: 80c9ea Oct. 1, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.3277378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7430


Anons, BV, I can assume kitchen duties

(notes gathering) until current baker returns. If he's not back by next bread I'll bake it and can handoff after. Or keep baking if that's needed. I don't have a gig today so I don't have a fixed end-time.

Anonymous ID: 80c9ea Oct. 1, 2018, 5:05 a.m. No.3277418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7430 >>7460


Heard, ty.



Good morning baker. Good to see you back, you've been in my thoughts. Look forward to your commentary. I'm around all morning, but happy to have you bake if you want. (I'm a little headachy tbh).



kek, thanks BV. If you wanna give me to gtg to be interim baker, that'd be cool. Reporting now…

Anonymous ID: 80c9ea Oct. 1, 2018, 6:04 a.m. No.3277662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7671


Is the connection having the town shared in common, or is there somewhere in the docs that links Ford to the 9/11 victim? If not, we should keep digging to find it b4 noting, otherwise too loose. Ty for digging this up tho, could be big connections

Anonymous ID: 80c9ea Oct. 1, 2018, 6:06 a.m. No.3277668   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baker Assist

>>3277587, >>3277594 Graphic: Possible parallel meanings to "Done in [30]?"

>>3277570 Washington Times settles lawsuit with Seth Rich's brother, retracts conspiracy editorial

>>3277520 "Trump target" Pfizer picks new CEO

>>3277500, >>3277563, >>3277518, >>3277558 Clockfag analyses, big day(s) indicated & why Qclock

>>3277495, >>3277533, >>3277544, >>3277544, >>3277584, >>3277603 AIRKEK: 2-DEER/VM714/C-27

>>3277156, >>3277165 Good morning from @DJT

>>3277490 POTUS to make remarks on Canada & Mexico from Rose Garden @11am today

>>3277390, >>3277406 ACLU Opposes Kav. Civ liberties = guilty til proven innocent now?

>>3277288 Early digg re: Kanye SNL. Perrier/Nestle connects to Red Cross

(Baker Change)

>>3277046 MKULTRA and use of child abuse as a method of mind control and programming of serial killers

>>3277135 Ties in to the Wonderland Club (circa 2001)

>>3277151 POTUS removes "closer" from twatter post

>>3277201, >>3277203 CNN Analyst's ex-wife is CBF's friend and supposed witness

>>3277285, >>3277272 POTUS Twatter posts analyzed. Countdown? S = Sessions?

>>3277419 GE CEO removed from position

>>3277388, >>3277422 CBF questioner fully exonerates Kav in her written report

>>3276962, >>3277002, >>3277003 CBF girly voice imitator video (embed, attached, and download link)

>>3277428 @Jack's chosen ones make "Kill Kavanaugh" top Twat search and hashtag suggestion


Lemme know if I should add/remove/change anything.

thanks guys

Anonymous ID: 80c9ea Oct. 1, 2018, 6:10 a.m. No.3277679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ah yeah, HIPAA. You might be able to get a list of total practitioners tho. That along with the population of the town might create a narrow enough pool of possibilities that it becomes credible circumstantial evidence.

Anonymous ID: 80c9ea Oct. 1, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.3277688   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baker Assist

>>3277587, >>3277594 Graphic: Possible parallel meanings to "Done in [30]?"

>>3277570 Washington Times settles lawsuit with Seth Rich's brother, retracts conspiracy editorial

>>3277520 "Trump target" Pfizer picks new CEO

>>3277500, >>3277563, >>3277518, >>3277558 Clockfag analyses, big day(s) indicated & why Qclock

>>3277495, >>3277533, >>3277544, >>3277544, >>3277584, >>3277603, >>3277638 AIRKEK: 2-DEER/VM714/C-27

>>3277156, >>3277165 Good morning from @DJT

>>3277490 POTUS to make remarks on Canada & Mexico from Rose Garden @11am today

>>3277390, >>3277406 ACLU Opposes Kav. Civ liberties = guilty til proven innocent now?

>>3277288 Early digg re: Kanye SNL. Perrier/Nestle connects to Red Cross

(Baker Change)

>>3277046 MKULTRA and use of child abuse as a method of mind control and programming of serial killers

>>3277135 Ties in to the Wonderland Club (circa 2001)

>>3277151 POTUS removes "closer" from twatter post

>>3277201, >>3277203 CNN Analyst's ex-wife is CBF's friend and supposed witness

>>3277285, >>3277272 POTUS Twatter posts analyzed. Countdown? S = Sessions?

>>3277419 GE CEO removed from position

>>3277388, >>3277422 CBF questioner fully exonerates Kav in her written report

>>3276962, >>3277002, >>3277003 CBF girly voice imitator video (embed, attached, and download link)

>>3277428 @Jack's chosen ones make "Kill Kavanaugh" top Twat search and hashtag suggestion

