Anonymous ID: 8e27bc Oct. 1, 2018, 2:58 a.m. No.3276942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7121 >>7576

I've been thinking about these larp accusations. I'm quite confident all those(serious) previous larps we've seen over the years have been done by blackhats. Do you remember that exciting feeling you got when it was the first time someone posted some insider info? Remember the disappointment when it turned out to be a larp? Over the years you saw more larps like that and you just kept getting more and more pessimistic about them until it got to a point when you simply started ignoring them completely. If someone posted on 4chan for example that this person is a larp, you just thought "oh, not this shit again" and moved on.


So now you might ask, why would blackhats do something like this? It's really simple, they wanted to make sure if anyone ever leaks something, people will just ignore it because they already made their mind it was just another larp. So they setup this mindset on you beforehand to control future events. Image boards are the only legimate place where a lot of people can be reached and these people are generally more aware of different things compared to so called normies. This is why Q chose image boards, but he faced serious challenges because of larp mindset being farmed on people's mind. It takes a lot of work to reverse that and Q's way has been providing open source information, mathematically impossible amount of coincidences and asking anons to use logic to find answers. Judging by the amount of followers Q movement has at the moment, his work has been very successful and he should be extremely proud of it.


Blackhats have also used this same tactic on conspiracy theories. Actors like AJ have caused serious amount of damage to any credibility conspiracy theories have had left. I'm really glad he is pretty much done for and is just waiting for last ending strike.


The storm is coming