Anonymous ID: b6b4ed Oct. 1, 2018, 6:21 a.m. No.3277732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8036

Retraction: Aaron Rich and the murder of Seth Rich


The Washington Times published an op-ed column titled, “More cover-up questions: The curious murder of Seth Rich poses questions that just won’t stay under the official rug,” by Adm. James Lyons (Ret.) (the “Column”), on March 1 online and on March 2 in its paper editions. The Column included statements about Aaron Rich, the brother of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, that we now believe to be false.


One such statement was that: “Interestingly, it is well known in the intelligence circles that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron Rich, downloaded the DNC emails and was paid by Wikileaks for that information.” The Washington Times now does not have any basis to believe any part of that statement to be true, and The Washington Times retracts it in its entirety.


The Column also stated: “Also, why hasn’t Aaron Rich been interviewed [by law enforcement], and where is he?” The Washington Times understands that law enforcement officials have interviewed Mr. Rich and that he has cooperated with their investigation. The Washington Times did not intend to imply that Mr. Rich has obstructed justice in any way, and The Washington Times retracts and disavows any such implication.


The Washington Times apologizes to Mr. Rich and his family. All online copies of the Column have been deleted and all online content referencing the Column has been deleted to the extent within The Washington Times’ control.

Anonymous ID: b6b4ed Oct. 1, 2018, 6:56 a.m. No.3277975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8083

Jeff Flake Isn’t A Truth-Seeker, He’s A Coward


Flake didn’t delay Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation vote out of some sense of higher moral duty. Giving the FBI another week to take the same sworn statements we already have on record isn’t going to move anyone a single step closer to determining if Kavanaugh assaulted Christine Blasey Ford. For all his weakness, Flake knows this. For all his flaws, Flake is not an idiot. Well, not entirely.


I say “not entirely” because he seems to miss an essential awareness of reality. Flake is constantly being played for a fool by the left because he relates to the leftist’s desire to live in a world of make-believe. He thinks there can be some “return to civility” in Washington. If he can just shine enough Democrat shoes, pick up their dry-cleaning, or maroon himself on an island with enough of them, then all will be nice and civil.


His efforts at “civility” all too often end with him siding with the enemy. On Thursday, Sen. Chris Coons made a SCOTUS hearing about how much beer someone drank in high school. On Sunday, Flake sat beside Coons on “60 Minutes.”

Anonymous ID: b6b4ed Oct. 1, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.3278108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8114 >>8232 >>8300


Mitch McConnell Releases Shocking Statement on Kavanaugh Accuser and Liar Julie Swetnick


Julie Swetnick By The Numbers

One Defamation Suit Filed Against Her Involving Sexual Harassment Allegations In Oregon


One Restraining Order Filed Against Her By Her Ex-Boyfriend In Florida


One Sexual Harassment Lawsuit, Where She Was Represented By Debra Katz’s Law Firm


Two Tax Liens Filed Against Her, Totaling Over $100,000


Three More Court Cases In Maryland That She Was A Party To