Anonymous ID: 213957 Oct. 1, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.3279797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9812 >>9936

Is Stuxnet the reason for the Iranian payoffs?


Perhaps this fella worth a dig…


"He quickly fell from grace, however,after being linked to leaks about a highly classified cyberweapon created by the U.S. and Israelis called Stuxnet. The super-secret worm, designed to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, was widely believed to be a joint U.S.-Israeli operation. A report by the New York Times‘ David Sanger confirmed it, marking the first time a government had even unofficially taken credit for a weapon made entirely of code. The Times reported that Cartwright conceived and ran the cyber operation known as Olympic Games, which included Stuxnet and other highly-sophisticated pieces of malware aimed at the Iranian nuclear effort. The story provided details about the operation and referenced interviews with current officials in the administration. The charge from critics of the administration, including from Capitol Hill, was that the Obama administration authorized the leaks in order to increase the president’s bona fides on national security. The Obama administration immediately denounced the leaks and launched the investigation."