Anonymous ID: 30558f Oct. 1, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.3279787   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>30 ppb Nazi radical baker

Sauce please. I am that baker, and did not have post counts that high.

>damn he sucked at baking

Again, sauce plz. What notes should have been included/not included and why?

>I don't give a fuck about his personal hatreds or shitposting frankly

Could've fooled us. Why devote a post to it then?

>skinhead cheering squad

>Nazi radical baker

> if you called him on it, you were 'pick a name'

plz see above contradiction and reflect.

>post or bake.

Oh look, another contradiction. Are you baking, or posting atm?

And as to your pick, my God are you fucking shills disgusting with your feces fetish. Much less a baby covered in it, ffs.

I'll leave it to anons to come up with the names you deserve to be called.


Facts are not "hate."

Defending what one loves–such as truth, and one's ppl, and one's civilization–is not "hate."

We're waking up to that truth now.

And fighting back.

Call it what you will, but the truth is I am a competent baker who posts facts in defense of what I love. Any honest evaluation of my work will show as much.

Anonymous ID: 30558f Oct. 1, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.3280027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A wrong is a wrong, Anon.

It is modern culture, the envy-based communism of marxism, that has put in your head that some people are so "privileged" that we are to put them in a different, lower status, category for justice or compassion. Might it be that Kav wasn't accidentally charmed at all? Might it be that his ancestors worked and sacrificed for their position, just as he has appeared to work and sacrifice for his?